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Welsh Icons - 2007
Cathedrals and Churches

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About Wales

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 Aberconwy Abbey
 Bangor Cathedral
 Basingwerk Abbey
 Brecon Cathedral
 Cardiff Cathedral
 Cribinau - St Cwyfan's
 Cwmhir Abbey
 Cymer Abbey
 Ewenny Priory
 Llandaff Cathedral
 Llanthony Priory
 Marble Church
 Margam Abbey
 Neath Abbey
 Newport Cathedral

 Norwegian sailors' church
 SS Mael and Sulien's Church
 St David's Cathedral
 St Dogmaels Abbey
 St Giles' Church, Wrexham
 St Hilda's Church
 St Illtyd's Church, Llantwit Major
 St Mary's Church, Swansea
 St Mary's Church, Tenby
 St Peter ad Vinculal
 Strata Florida Abbey
 Talley Abbey
 Tintern Abbey
 Valle Crucis Abbey
 Whitland Abbey


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This Month

October 6th

Ioan Gruffudd (actor) born 1973 in Cardiff

October 11th

Dawn French. Born 1957 Holyhead

October 14th

Christopher Timothy (actor) born 1940 in Bala

 October 27th

Dylan Thomas
Born 1914