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Clark�s Pies

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Photograph © Time Grabber

Clark�s Pies
Or the �clarkies� as it is known to aficionados. For almost 100 years these have been Cardiff�s favorite pies. Essential when at Ninian Park. For a guide to �clarkies� etiquette see

and Checkout the Clarksie web site

Visit our Welsh Pies and Pasties Producers page

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hey i was just wonderring how can i make lava bread i want all the ingrediants listed (sorry for my spelling.
#4 - charl -girly - 03/05/2008 - 17:39
get me a recipe for clark's pies!!!!
#3 - hi - 02/26/2008 - 17:09
Brown or red sauce? ;-)
#2 - S - 11/17/2007 - 12:19
war time pies
In the war meat was strictly rationed and only very small amounts could be obtained each week with coupons from your ration book. but for some reason the Dutch family, owners of Clarkes pie shop at Victoria Park bus terminus, could sell a limited number of their pies each day "off ration" so were in great demand and very limited. huge queues formed each morning from about 5am which was the time of the first bus from the top of Ely. Mothers would send their chilren to queue before going to school. unfortunately you would stand for hours until the shop opened after 8am only to find that when you got to within sight of the counter up would go the 'sold out sign" so try the next day and be in the queue before the first Ely bus arrived.
#1 - ray brooks - 11/02/2007 - 13:26
Brown or red sauce?
#0 - DD - 08/07/2007 - 12:43
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;-) :-) :-D :-( :-o >-( B-) :oops: :-[] :-P
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