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Welsh Icons - Songs
Deus Salutis

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Deus Salutis
O Jesus, let Thy spirit bless
This frail one in the wilderness
To guide him through the snares of lie
On Canaan's way to Thee on high.

All grace that through Thy Church doth flow,
In heaven above and here below,
All shall I have, all shall be mine
If I but have Thy grace divine.

To Thy most holy feet I'll cling,
The virtues of Thy blood I'll sing,
The cross I'll bear, the wave I'll ride,
If Thou but with me now abide.


Come gracious Lord, descend and dwell,
By faith and love, in every breast;
Then shall we know, and taste and feel
The joys that cannot be expressed.

Come, fill our hearts with inward strength,
Make our enlarged souls possess,
And learn the height, and breadth, and length
Of Thine eternal love and grace

Now to the God whose power can do
More than our thoughts and wishes know
Be everlasting honors done
By al the Church, through Christ, His Son.


Jesus, and shall it ever be
A mortal man ashamed of Thee?
Ashamed of Thee, whom angels praise
Whose glories shine through endless days.

Ashamed of Jesus!  Sooner far
Let evening blush to own a star;
He sheds the beams of light divine
O'er this benighted soul of mine.

Ashamed of Jesus! Yes, I may,
When I've no guilt to wash away,
No tears to wipe, no good to crave,
No fears to quell, no soul to save.

Till then - nor is my boasting vain
Till then I boast a Saviour slain;
And O may this my glory be,
That Christ is not ashamed of me.

O! Iesu mawr, rho d'anian bur
I eiddil gwan mewn, anial dir,
I'w nerthu drwy'r holl rwystrau sy
Ar ddyrys daith i'r Ganaan fry.

Pob gras sydd yn yr Eglwys fawr,
Fry yn y nef, neu ar y llawr,
Caf feddu oll, eu meddu'n un,
Wrth feddu d'annian Di dy Hun.

Mi lyna'n dawel wrth dy draed,
Mi ganaf am rinweddau'r gwaed,
Mi garia'r groes, mi nofia'r don,
Ond cael dy anian dan fy mron.


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