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Welsh Icons - Songs
Hob Y Derri Dando

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Hob Y Derri Dando
Never was there maiden sweeter,
Hob y deri dano
More alluring, livelier, neater
Hob y deri dando
Nor one to my fancy nearer
Jane, sweet Jane
There is no one I love dearer 

Jane, run down the lane,
There in the grove we'll kiss again
Jane, run down the lane,
There in the grove we'll kiss again

Blessed are the wild birds flying
Hob y deri dano;
They're full free, there's no denying,
Hob y deri dano;
Free to linger or to hasten,
Jane, sweet Jane;
And come home with none to chasten;

Now, o'er seas, my heart is crying,
Hob y deri dando;
O'er the seas, O hear me sighing,
Hob y deri dando;
O'er the seas my soul comes winging,
Jane, sweet Jane;
Where your golden voice is ringing,


Low ye hills in ocean lie
Hob y derri dando
Hide not Meirion from my eye
Hob y derri dando
Still one view oh let me take
Down derri down
Ere my longing heart doth break

Down down hie derri down
My darling Mary do not frown
Down down hie derri down
My darling Mary do not frown.

O'er the seas hath flown my heart
Hob y derri dando
O'er the seas my sighs depart
Hob y derri dando
And o'er the seas must she be sought
Down derri down
Who lives yet always in my thought

'Neath the seas shall I reside
Hob y derri dando
'Neath the water and the tide
Hob y derri dando
For my longing heart did break
Down derri down
When she another love did take

Hob Y Derri Dando
Ni bu ferch erioed cyn laned
Hob y deri dando,
Ni bu ferch erioed cyn wyned
Dyna ganu eto;
Ni bu neb o ferched dynion
Si�n fwyn Si�n
Nes na hon i dori 'nghalon

Si�n fwyn tyrd i'r llwyn,
Seiniwn glod i Siani fach fwyn:
Sian fwyn tyrd i'r llwyn, 
Seiniwn glod i Siani fach fwyn

Gwyn eu byd yr adar gwylltion
Hob y deri dando;
Hwy g�nt fynd i'r fynnon
Dyna ganu eto;
Weithiau i'r m�r a weithiau i'r mynydd,
Si�n fwyn Si�n,
A dod adref yn ddigerydd

Tros y m�r y mae fy nghalon
Hob y deri dando;
Tros y m�r y mae fochneidion,
Dyna ganu eto:
Dros y m�r y mae fanwylyd
Si�n fwyn Si�n
Sy'n fy meddwl i bob munud


Wyt ti'n hoffi dyri, Derwydd?
Hob y deri dando,
Unwaith oerais i o'th herwydd,
Dyna ganu eto;
Ym mhob ardal y mae bryd�n,
Canig hen y co',
Pwy na allant ddweud penillion hen g�n co',
Canig hen y co' 
Hob y deri dan y to.

Buom unwaith yn gariadon,
Hob y deri dando,
Ti a geisiasist dorri 'nghalon,
Dyna ganu eto;
Am funudyn pwy fu'n
Hidio druan am dy dro?
Deri dando, wyt ti'n gwrando hen g�n co'?
Canig hen y co',
Hob y deri dan y to.


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