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Roath Park

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Roath Park
Roath Park is the name of a public park and the area immediately surrounding it in Cardiff, Wales. It lies to the north of Roath, bisected by Eastern Avenue.

The recreation park from which the area takes its name opened to the public in 1894. It was built on 121 acres (490,000 m�) of reformed bogland, 103 of which were on the Bute Estate, and includes an artificial lake with two islands. In 1915 a lighthouse was erected there by public subscription to commemorate Scott of the Antarctic's ill-fated voyage to the South Pole, which set out from Cardiff Docks. The park, which also has a large playground and a tropical hot-house, is maintained by Cardiff Council.

The park and lake are favourites of Cardiff people at all times of the year. It boasts a wide variety of water birds, which nest on two islands in the lake, they feed voraciously on bread and scraps provided by visitors, and will empty your plastic bag with great enthusiasm.

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Water Cascade at Roath Park

Inscriptiption on the Scott Memorial Lighthouse at Roath Park

The Scott Memorial Lighthouse at Roath Park

Three Men in a Boat - Roath Park Lake

Black Swans - Roath Park

Geese - Roath Park

The Islands - Roath Park

Wide Angle of Roath Park

Swan Preening - Roath Park

Swan and Cygnets - Roath Park

Wide Angle - Roath Park

The Lighthouse (Scott Memorial)  - Roath Park


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Roath Park has an essence or romance about it. I'm so lucky to have such a beautiful park nearby... its so pretty and story book perfect.
Great website by the way.
#1 - Jane - 10/14/2007 - 09:27
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