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Simon Weston

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Simon Weston

Simon Weston
Simon Weston (born August 8, 1961) was a British Army soldier who became well known throughout the United Kingdom after suffering severe burn injuries during the Falklands War.

Weston was born in Nelson, Caerphilly. He joined the Welsh Guards in 1978 at the age of 16. In 1982, he was with other members of his regiment on the ship, the RFA Sir Galahad, just off the Falkland Islands, when it was set on fire by enemy bombs. Weston survived with terrible burns, following which his face was barely recognisable. Rejecting the extensive plastic surgery which might have helped him return to something like his original appearance, Weston set out to give hope and courage to other sufferers.

He has since worked for his charity Weston Spirit, which has made him a celebrity and gained him the OBE in 1992. After recovering from his initial injuries, Weston became a well-known personality on radio and television, especially within Wales, and used to present his own radio show on BBC Radio Wales

Simon is seen now and again in attendance at Tranmere Rovers' home games despite following Manchester United.

In 2006 Weston, along with dual code (Rugby League and Rugby Union) international David Watkins, were installed as patrons of the Welsh Rugby League, in a ceremony held in the Welsh Assembly

Yes Sir, I Will, an album by UK punk band Crass, takes its name from a conversation attributed to have taken place between Charles, Prince of Wales and a badly burned soldier returning from the Falklands War -- there is some speculation that this soldier was in fact Simon Weston.

Personal life
Married to Lucy, who also works for the charity, the couple have three children (James, Stuart and Caitlin)


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