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Welsh Icons - Songs
Sosban Fach

Welsh Icons
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Mary Anne's gone and broken her finger
And Davey the ploughboy's taken ill
The baby in the cradle is crying
The cat's gone and scratched poor little Bill.
Sosban fach boiling by the door
Sosban fawr boiling on the floor
The cat's gone and scratched poor little Bill.

Mary Anne's little finger is better
Poor Dave in his grave now lies deep
The baby in the cradle is silent
The cat now in peace lies asleep.

Sosban fach boiling by the door
Sosban fawr boiling on the floor
The cat now in peace lies asleep.

Midi files sequenced by Barry Taylor.

Mae bys Mary Ann wedi brifo
A Dafydd y gwas yn teimlo'n sal
Mae'r baban yn y cryd yn crio
A'r gath wedi sgrapo Jonni bach.
Sosban fawr yn berwi ar y llawr,
Sosban fach yn berwi ar y tan
A'r gath wedi sgrapo Jonni bach.

Mae bys Mari Ann wedi gwella
A Dafydd y gwas yn ei fedd
Mae'r baban yn y cryd yn ddistaw
A'r gath nawr yn cysgu mewn hedd.

Sosban fawr yn berwi ar y llawr,
Sosban fach yn berwi ar y tan
A'r gath nawr yn cysgu mewn hedd.


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can you please tell me if im corect in thinking that the wording of sospan fach on youre site is wrong as this is different to the version i was taught when i was at ysgol gyfun y strade 15 years ago youres faithfully G GRIFFITHS [ammanford]
#1 - gareth griffiths - 09/13/2007 - 21:05
- the editor
To be honest I don't know - the intro is a bit long.

All input welcome
#2 - Dom - 09/14/2007 - 00:00
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;-) :-) :-D :-( :-o >-( B-) :oops: :-[] :-P
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