Swansea University
Students' Union






Photograph © Marc Holmes reproduced under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 license.

Swansea University Students' Union
Swansea University Students' Union (Welsh: Undeb Myfyrwyr Prifysgol Abertawe) is the students' union for Swansea University and is part of the part of National Union of Students of the United Kingdom. The Student Union aims to promote the interests of its students. It is currently located on the Swansea University campus in Union House , and also has offices in Fulton House- an adjacent building which the university plans to tear down during renovation of the university.

The Student Union's main aims are to promote the Students Union and student safety, student well-being and welfare to its members and everyone at the University.

The Student's Union is a democracy governed by a constitution. As of July 2008, the new Union Constitution comes into effect. All students of Swansea University are automatically enrolled into the Union at the beginning of each term (unless they choose to opt out) and then have the right to produce and vote on motions at the Student General Meetings. Representing the students are the Sabbatical officers, Executive, Standing Committees, Societies and a Course Rep assembly. There are also management staff to help with the running of the Union.

Student General Meetings
Student General Meetings (SGMs) are held every 3 weeks of term to help keep the union in contact with its members. All union members are welcome to attend. SGMs and the Course Reps Assembly have powers to send proposals to the Union Executive on issues that they deem important. Student General Meetings and the Annual General Meeting (AGM) are an opportunity for elected officials to be publicly scrutinised about their policy decisions.

As of May 3, 2007 Student General Meetings are recorded and publicised on the Union's website. These audio files are available for 5 years after the date of the meeting for those with an interest in exact decisions of previous meetings.

The Executive
The Executive Committee sets the policy and direction of the Union. Commonly referred to as the 'Exec', it is made up of the elected 6 full-time Sabbatical Officers and 22 part-time elected officers and representatives. The Chair of the Committee is the Union President and in his/her absence, the General Secretary chairs the meeting.

Community Work and Societies
The Students’ Union supports over 70 societies ranging from academic groups to shared interests, politics and conservation groups. Many of the societies are involved in local community work, fund raising and conservation activities. Recent events have included the People and Planet’s campaign to reduce the energy used by the University, the Conservation Society's clearing of the cliffs in the Gower, RAG’s £20,000 fund raising in less than 12 months and the Welsh Society's fund raising for Marie Curie Cancer Care.


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