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Welsh Icons - Songs
The Rejected Maiden

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The Rejected Maiden
By Dee's deep river bank so fair,
A fair maid sat lamenting,
And saying with a mournful air,
" My heart is almost breaking,
I have no friend in this cold world,
Nor home, nor mother tender,
My father's doors to me are closed,
In there I must not enter." 

Cold scornful fingers point at me
And taunt me with my weakness,
My life's young bark is overswept,
And buried 'neath the breakers,
On love's hard altar I've been cast
Alas! no more a maiden,
And hence I'm weeping here tonight,
Rejected and forgotten. 

Thou little fish that nimbly play'st
Midst waters of the river,
Thou hast thy friends in millions more,
From enemies a shelter;
Thou'lt live and die 'neath waters clear,
To shame shalt be a stranger,
O! would that I were like to thee;
To die - and sleep forever. 

My thoughts are ever running on
To days of judgment heavy,
And this remember, wicked man,
At God's throne you must meet me;
But thinking of your treach'rous words
Makes life to me a terror,
O! river Dee, receive thou me,
There's rest beneath thy water. 

Next morning her cold corpse was found
Floating upon the river,
Grasped in her fingers damp and chill
They found a hasty letter:
" Make my grave in some lone spot,
Where I in peace may rest in,
Raise there no stone to mark the grave
Of the Rejected Maiden."

Yr Eneth Ga'dd Ei Gwrthod
Ar lan hen afon Ddyfrdwy ddofn
Eisteddai gl�n forwynig;
Gan ddistaw sibrwd wrth'i hun
" Gadawyd fi yn unig,
Heb g�r na chyfaill yn y byd,
Na chartref chwaith fynd iddo;
Drws ty fy nhad sydd wedi'i gloi,
'Rwy'n wrthodedig heno."

Mae bys gwaradwydd ar fy �l,
Yn nodi fy ngwendidau,
A llanw 'mywyd wedi ei droi,
A'i gladdu dan y tonnau;
Ar allor serch aberthwyd fi,
Do, collais fy anrhydedd, 
A dyna'r achos pa'm yr wyf
Fi heno'n wael fy agwedd. 

Ti frithyll bach, sy'n chwareu'n llon
Yn nyfroedd glan yr afon,
Mae gennyt ti gyfeillion fyrdd,
A noddfa rhag gelynion;
Cei fyw a marw dan y dwr.
Heb neb i dy adnabod,
O! na chawn innau fel tydi,
Gael marw, a dyna ddarfod.

Ond 'hedeg mae fy meddwl prudd,
I fyd sydd eto i ddyfod,
A chofia dithau fradwr tost,
Rhaid i ti fy nghyfarfod;
Mae meddwl am dy eiriau di
A byw, i mi yn ormod,
O, afon ddofn, derbynia fi,
Caf wely ar dy waelod.

Y boreu trannoeth cafwyd hi
Yn nyfroedd glan yr afon.
A darn o bapur yn ei llaw,
Ac arno'r ymadroddion:
" Gwnewch immi fedd mewn unig fan,
Na chodwch faen na chofnod,
I nodi'r fan lle gorwedd llwch
Yr Eneth ga'dd ei Gwrthod."


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