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Welsh Icons - Songs
Watching the White Wheat

Welsh Icons
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Watching the White Wheat
 A simple youthful lad am I
Who loves at fancy's pleasure:
I fondly watch the blooming wheat,
Another reaps the treasure.
Oh! Wherefore still despise my suit,
Why sighing keep thy lover?
For some new charm, thou matchless fair,
I day by day discover.

Each day reveals some newborn grace,
Or does fond faith deceive me?
In love to Him who formed thy face,
With pity now receive me,
Then lift thine eyes, one look bestow.
Give me thy hand, my fairest,
For in thy bosom, lovely maid,
My heart's true key thou bearest.

While hair adorns this aching brow
Still I will love sincerely,
While ocean rolls its briny flow
Still I will love thee dearly.
Then tell the truth, in secret tell,
And under seal discover,
If it be I or who is blest
As thy true heart's best lover.

Bugeilio'r Gwenith Gwyn
Mi sydd fachgen ieuanc ff�l.
Yn byw yn �l fy ffansi
Myfi'n bugeilior gwenith gwyn,
Ac arall yn ei fedi.
Pam na ddeui ar fy �l,
Ryw ddydd ar ol ei gilydd?
Gwaith 'rwyn dy weld, y feinir fach,
Yn lanach, lanach beunydd!

Glanach, lanach wyt bob dydd,
Neu fi a'm ffydd yn ffolach,
Er mwyn y Gwr a wnaeth dy wedd,
Gwna im drugaredd bellach.
Cwnn dy ben, gw�l acw draw,
Rho i mi'th law wen dirion;
Gwaith yn dy fynwes bert ei thro
Mae allwedd clo fy nghalon!

Tra fo dwr y mor yn hallt,
A thra fo 'ngwallt yn tyfu
A thra fo calon yn fy mron
Mi fydda'n ffyddlon iti:
Dywed imi'r gwir dan gel
A rho dan s�l d'atebion,
P'un ai myfi neu arall, Ann
Sydd orau gan dy galon.


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