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Welsh Icons - Welsh Language
Welsh Words - Food and Drink

Welsh Icons
About Wales

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 Welsh - English
 afa - apple
ancwyn - dinner
bara - bread
bara lawr - lava bread
berwi - boil
bisged - biscuit
brecwast - breakfast
bwyd - food
bwyta - eat
cawl - soup
caws -, cheese
cegin - kitchen
cennin - leeks
cig - meat
cig eidon - beef
cig moch - bacon, pork
cig oen - lamb
cimwch - lobster
cinio - dinner
cocos - cockles
coffi - coffee
coginio - cook
corbenfras - haddock
corgimwch - prawn
cosyn - cheese
crasu - bake, roast
creision - crisps
creision ŷd - cornflakes
crempog - crumpet
cwingen - rabbit
cwpan - cup
cwrw - beer
cyllell - knife
cyw i�r - chicken
dofednod - poultry
dŵr - water
enwyn - buttermilk
ffa - beans
ffrwyth - fruit
ffwrn - oven
finegr - vinegar
frwythau - fruit
gwin - wine
gwledd - banquet, feast
gwledda - banquet, feast
gwydd - goose
halen - salt
llaeth - milk
llestr - dish
llymarch - oyster
llysywen - eel
macrell - mackerel
maip - turnip
meipen - turnip
menyn - butter
oergell - fridge
pannas - parsnips
perdysen - shrimp
picau ar y maen - welshcakes
picnic - picnic
pryd - meal
rhesin - raisin
rhuddygl - radish
selsig - sausage
siwgr - sugar
stafell fwyta - dining room
swdd - juice
tafarn - inn
tatws - potatoes
te - tea
tebot - teapot
tegell - kettle
tŷ bwyta - restaurant
uwd - porridge
wy - egg
ŷd - corn

 English - Welsh

 apple - afa
 bacon - cig moch
 bake - crasu
 banquet - gwledd
 beans - ffa
 beef - cig eidon
 beer - cwrw
 biscuit - bisged
 boil - berwi
 bread - bara
 breakfast - brecwast
 butter - menyn
 buttermilk - enwyn
 cheese - caws, cosyn
 chicken - cyw i�r
 cockles - cocos
 coffee - coffi
 cook - coginio
 corn - ŷd
 cornflakes - creision ŷd
 crisps - creision
 crumpet - crempog
 cup - cwpan
 dining room - stafell fwyta
 dinner - ancwyn, cinio
 dish - llestr
 eat - bwyta
 eel - llysywen
 egg - wy
 feast - gwledd, gwledda
 food - bwyd
 fridge - oergell
 fruit - ffrwyth, frwythau
 goose - gwydd
 haddock - corbenfras
 inn - tafarn
 juice - swdd
 kettle - tegell
 kitchen - cegin
 knife - cyllell
 lamb cig oen
 lava bread - bara lawr
 leeks - cennin
 lobster - cimwch
 mackerel - macrell
 meal - pryd
 meat - cig
 milk - llaeth
 oven - ffwrn, pobty
 oyster - llymarch
 parsnips - pannas
 picnic - picnic
 pork - cig moch
 porridge - uwd
 potatoes - tatws
 poultry - dofednod
 prawn - corgimwch
 rabbit - cwingen
 radish - rhuddygl
 raisin - rhesin
 restaurant - tŷ bwyta
 roast - crasu
 salt - halen
 sausage - selsig
 shrimp - perdysen
 soup - cawl
 sugar - siwgr
 tea - te
 teapot - tebot
 turnip - meipen, maip
 vinegar - finegr
 water - dŵr
 welshcakes - picau ar y maen
 wine - gwin


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