West Cheshire & North Wales Chamber of Commerce Announces its Strategic Vision – Vision 2021

Colin Brew, WCNW Chamber Chief Executive

Colin Brew, WCNW Chamber Chief Executive

The West Cheshire and North Wales Chamber of Commerce celebrates its centenary in 2021. With this incredible achievement in mind, the Chamber has created a strategic vision leading up to this date that aims to drive our economy forward.

In formulating the Chamber’s plans, they consulted with businesses in all four corners of West Cheshire & North Wales and with other organisations campaigning on the issues they raise. The variety of perspectives and expert opinions the Chamber received in its consultations have been built into this document, such that the West Cheshire & North Wales Chamber of Commerce can state with absolute certainty that it’s campaign truly and accurately represents the needs and wishes of the region’s business community.

These consultations resulted in four key areas that are seen as priorities, over the coming years, that will enable businesses to thrive;

Key Priorities:

  • Ensuring the Chamber is the Authentic Voice of business that can deliver locally.
  • Creating enhanced Infrastructure & Connectivity for our region.
  • Bridging the Skills gap across West Cheshire & North Wales.
  • Promoting International Trade and stimulating regional Business Ambition.

Authentic Voice of Business
One of the core missions for the West Cheshire & North Wales Chamber of Commerce is to provide a voice for the local business community. Its goal is to ensure that the voice of businesses – whatever the size – is heard when decisions are made in local, regional and national government.

Infrastructure and Connectivity
The Chamber’s vision aims to develop a transport network that supports the needs of businesses. It also aims to provide businesses with access to cutting-edge communication technologies and the knowledge to use them effectively.

Skills & Development
The vision aims to develop a skilled and able workforce across all sectors, allowing businesses, and in turn the economy of West Cheshire and North Wales, to grow and thrive. The most important foundation for any economy is the skills and talents of its people. Businesses can only perform as well as the people that start, run and work in them.

International Trade and Business Ambition
The vision aims to open up the world to West Cheshire and North Wales businesses, providing them with the support needed to access more customers in different markets. Focussing West Cheshire and North Wales’ economy on more sustainable sources of growth is essential for long-term growth.

Colin Brew, Chief Executive, commented “As a leading accredited Chamber of Commerce, we play a significant role in helping to shape the economic geography of our region and beyond. We engage with stakeholders across our region and on a national and international level in commercial and political arenas.”

“Over the next five years, our Vision 2021 will support this role by providing a clear direction for our work, leading us to our much-anticipated centenary year in 2021.”

“I would encourage business people to take the time to review the enclosed document, we want to hear their views and concerns so that we can be certain that we faithfully represent our business community.”

Please send your comments and feedback to [email protected] or speak with any of the Chamber’s team at their events through 2017.

The full Vision 2021 document can be viewed here: http://wcnwchamber.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/VIsion-2021.pdf

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