Doubling size of peaceful estate has residents up in arms

Plans to double the size of a peaceful Narberth housing estate have led to objections from almost every resident.

Local Conservative AM Angela Burns and parliamentary candidate Simon Hart are now supporting the residents of Bloomfield Gardens in their bid to scale back the development.

The site was originally earmarked for 30 homes – but that’s now been increased to 54 and the developers plan to take all the construction traffic through the quiet estate.

There are also plans to develop another site adjacent to the estate for another 30 homes.

“The residents of Bloomfield Gardens have been treated very unfairly,” said Mrs Burns.

“Had they known that 54 properties were to be built instead of 30 then they would have opposed the plans strongly when they had the chance.

“Now thanks to Welsh Assembly Government guidelines on housing density they are faced with a doubling in the size of their estate and a development that is totally out of proportion.”

The householders are also extremely worried about the effect of heavy construction traffic passing through their estate.

“The crazy thing is that there’s a much safer access point through the neighbouring industrial estate which would affect far fewer people,” added Mr Hart.

“Instead of squeezing heavy traffic through the narrow roads where children play and residents park, they should have a totally different access and leave it as two developments side by side instead.”

Planners meet early next year to discuss the issue and they have received 60 letters of objection to the plans – one from almost every household on the estate.

Local resident John Morgan said: “We are a crime-free and caring community who look after each other like a village and we are worried that we may be overwhelmed by houses and effectively turned into a massive estate.”

“People are extremely angry about this.  The development is totally out of proportion and will make our lives misery while it is underway if they insist on bringing the construction traffic down our quiet streets.”

Police officer and resident Chris Helps is worried about the safety aspect of the development.

“At the moment there are often cars parked on the main road by the entrance to the estate which is next to the Bloomfield Centre, the centre is so popular that its car park gets full.

“It can already be dangerous turning into the estate with parked cars obscuring the sight lines. With double the amount of houses we will have double the amount of cars coming and going and it could be dangerous.”

Mrs Burns is now writing to Pembrokeshire County Council’s directors of highways and planning outlining her concerns.

Photograph: Angela Burns AM and parliamentary candidate Simon Hart are pictured with worried Bloomfield Gardens residents in front of the field on which 54 homes may be built.
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