WAG cash to help new farming recruits

NEW entrants to farming will benefit from a new Welsh Assembly Government scheme providing grants and business support announced by the Rural Affairs Minister.

A budget allocation of up to £2 million has been made available for 2010-11.

The Young Entrants Support Scheme (YESS) aims to encourage and support new entrants, which is a One Wales commitment of the Welsh Assembly Government. YESS will open to applications in 2010.

The assistance package includes the following key elements:

1. a one off direct aid grant up to a maximum of £15,000;
2. access to a dedicated Young Entrants’ Business Enabler service;
3. access to funded mentoring services from established farmers.

In addition to providing information and advice, the Young Entrants’ Business Enabler will actively promote and broker joint ventures between young entrants and established farmers.

A database will match up potential partners with a view to them entering into business together. This will hopefully encourage innovative business solutions that ensure the long-term survival of viable farming businesses, and potentially identify appropriate succession options.

Rural Affairs Minister Elin Jones said: “Evidence suggests that there are between 100 and 200 young entrants taking over the running of farming businesses in Wales each year. This rate needs to increase significantly if the industry is to thrive.

“The Welsh Assembly Government has recognised the need to harness the energy, drive and enthusiasm of young farmers. Through this new scheme, we will be able to channel those qualities in a way that allows innovation to flourish and successful businesses to emerge.

“I am confident that this scheme represents a significant step in the right direction toward the creation of a dynamic and competitive farming industry in Wales, fit for the future.”


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