Welsh Icons - Songs
Y Deryn Pur

Welsh Icons
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The Gentle Dove
O gentle dove with wings so blue
Fly quickly to my lady
And take to her a message true
While in her garden shady
Go to her and say I love her
And am trying to discover
How to meet her, fondly greet her
But if my love should fail to please her
May God forgive her beautiful face
I know that I must leave her.
With heart so gay one happy day
I walked with step so sprightly
The loveliest girl I'd ever seen
Came tripping there so lightly
On her beauty so amazing
I could only stand there gazing
Of the fairest, she the rarest
Her smile make all around her shining
She was an angel to my eyes
And for her love I'm pining.

Midi files sequenced by Barry Taylor.

The Gentle Dove
Y deryn pur â'r adain las
Bydd i mi'n was dibrydar
O! brysur brysia at y ferch
Lle rhois i'm serch yn gynnar
Dos di ati, dywed wrthi
Mod i'n wylo'r dwr yn heli
Mod i'n irad am ei gwelad
Ac o'i chariad yn ffaelu â cherddad, O!
Duw faddeuo'r hardd ei llun
Am boeni dyn mor galad!
Pan o'wn yn hoenus iawn fy hwyl
Ddiwrnod gwyl yn gwylio
Canfyddwn fenyw lana' rioed
Ar ysgafn droed yn rhodio.
Pan y'i gwelais syth mi sefais
Yn fy nghalon mi feddyliais
Wele ddynes lana'r deyrnas
A'i gwên yn harddu'r oll o'i chwmpas
Ni fynnwn gredu un dyn byw
Nad oedd hi ryw angyles!

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