English - Welsh Dictionary
nail - ewin 
naive - naif 
name - enwi, enw 
namely - sef 
nape of the neck - gwar 
narrator - adroddwr 
narrow - cul 
narrow-minded - cul 
nation - cenedl 
national - cenedlaethol 
nationalist - cenedlaetholwr 
nationalists - cenedlaetholwyr 
native - brodor, cartrefig 
natural - cynhenid 
near - ar bwys, agos, ger 
nearer - nes 
nearly - bron �, bron 
necessary - gofynnol, anghenrheidiol 
need - angen 
needless - diachos 
negative - nacol 
neighbour - cymydog 
neighbours - cymdogion 
neither - na 
neither before nor after - na chynt nac wedyn 
nephews - neiod 
nerve - nerf 
nest - nyth 
net - rhwyd 
never again - byth eto 
never mind - na hidiwch 
nevertheless - serch hynny 
new - newydd 
news - newyddion 
next - nesaf 
next to nothing - nesaf peth 
nicely - yn dwt 
niece - nith 
nieces - nithoedd 
night - noson, nos 
nightingale - eos 
nightmare - hunllef 
nimble - ysgut, sionc 
nimbleness - sioncrwydd 
nine - naw 
nineteen - pedawr ar bymtheg 
ninth - nawfed 
ninety - nawdeg 
no matter - dim gwahaniaeth 
no one - neb 
nobility - boneddigion, bonedd 
noble - urddasol, mawreddog 
nod - amnaid 
noise - trwst, s^wn, trwyn 
nominal - enwol 
nominate - enwebu 
nomination - enwebiad, enwad 
nominative - enwol 
nonsense - codl 
nonsense - twt lol, dwli, sothach 
north - gogledd 
northener - gogleddwr 
northern - gogleddol 
nostrils - ffroenau 
not much - dim gwerth 
not only - nid yn unig 
not to do - peidio 
not yet - dim eto 
note - nodyn, nodiad, nodi 
notes - nodau 
nothing - dim byd, dim 
nothing better than - yn ddim amgen 
notice - sylw, sylwi ar 
notion - tybiant 
noun - enw 
nourish - meithrin 
nourishing - maethlon 
novel - nofel 
November - Tachwedd 
now - bellach, nawr, rŵan 
now then - nawr 'te 
nudge - pwnio, pwnad 
nuisance - llymbar, casbeth 
number - nifer, rhif, maint, cyfrif 
numerous - cryn, niferus 
nurse - mamaeth, nyrs 
nursery - meithrin 
nurture - magu 
nuts - cnau  Have we got this right? Have we missed anything out? Please use the Form below to let us know. This dictionary is dedicated to the memory of Emrys Rees of Carmarthen (1918 - 2006).