English - Welsh Dictionary
oak - derw 
oak tree - derwen 
oak trees - deri 
oar - rhwyf 
oath - llw 
obedient - ufudd 
obey - ufuddhau 
object - diben 
objectives - nodau 
objector - gwrthwynebydd 
obligation - rhwymedigaeth, dyled 
oblige - gorfodi i 
obliged to - dyledus 
oblivion - angof 
observant - craff 
obvious - amlwg, eglur 
obviously - yn amlwg 
occasions - achlysuron 
October - Hydref 
odd - rhyfedd 
of course - wrth gwrs, wrth reswm 
of every kind - o bob math 
of importance - o bwys 
of no importance - o ddim pwys 
of noble lineage - ucheldras 
of spring - gwanwynol 
off we go - i ffwrdd � ni 
Offa's Dyke - Clawdd Offa 
offend - tarfu 
offer - cynnig, taclau 
offer to do - osio 
office - swyddfa 
official - swyddogol, swyddog 
offspring - epil 
often - yn aml 
oil - olew 
OK - gweddol 
old - hen 
old-womanish - gwrachiaidd 
old age - henoed, henaint 
old man - henwr 
old mansion - henllys 
oldness - hender 
omit - hepgor 
on - ar, ymlaen 
on any account - ar unrhyw gyfrif 
on average - ar gyfartal 
on both sides - o'r ddeutu 
on his oath - ar ei lw 
on the borders - ar gyrion, ar gyrion 
on the edge of - ar fin 
on the outskirts of - ar gyrion 
on the point of - ar fin 
on the point of starving - ar newynu 
on top of - ar ben 
once - unwaith, ar unwaith 
once in a while - bob hyn a hyn 
one - un 
one hundred and ten - can a deg 
one needs - rhaid wrth 
one to the other - y naill wrth y llall 
only - unig, dim ond, yn unig 
open - agor, agored 
open wide - led y pen 
opinion - barn, cyfrif 
opportunities - cyfleusterau 
opportunity - cyfle 
opposite - gyferbyn � 
opposition - gwrthwynebiad 
opposition party - gwrthblaid 
oppressive - llethol 
or - neu 
or not - ai peidio 
or whether - ynteu 
orange - oren 
ordained - actiedig 
order - trefnu, trefn, cywair, gorchymyn, ordro 
orderly - trefnus 
ordinary - cyffredin 
organ - ermyg 
organise - cyfundrefnu 
organised - trefnus 
originality - gwreddioldeb 
other - arall 
otherwise - fel arall 
our - ein 
out of sight - o'r golwg 
outlaw - herwr 
outline - amlinellu 
outside - tu allan, allan, tu fas 
outside half - maswr 
outskirts - ffiniau 
oven - ffwrn, pobty 
over - dros, drossodd 
over there - acw 
overalls - ofyr�ls 
overcome - trechu 
overseas - tramor 
owl - tylluan 
own - perchenogi 
owner - perchennog, perchen 
ox - bustach, ych 
oyster - llymarch  Have we got this right? Have we missed anything out? Please use the Form below to let us know. This dictionary is dedicated to the memory of Emrys Rees of Carmarthen (1918 - 2006).