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Abergwynfi is a village in the Welsh county borough of Neath Port Talbot, Glamorgan. Abergwynfi is the first half of a village of two parts, the other being Blaengwynfi. The two villages mean "Above the Gwynfi" and "Below the Gwynfi," which refers to the river that separates the two villages.
Aber and Blaengwynfi are generally referred to as "The Cape" by residents of the two villages and the neighbouring few. This term comes from when the villages were marketed as "The Cape of Good Hope" during the years when coal-mining was very important to the valleys.
Pubs/Bars in Abergwynfi: Gelli Hotel Commercial Street Abergwynfi Port Talbot West Glamorgan SA13 3YL 01639 851627
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