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Welsh Icons - 2007
Welsh Info

Welsh Icons
About Wales

and all things Welsh

It became apparent early on the the creation of this site that there was a lack of ordered information about Wales. We have been collating information from many sources, cross linking it with the information already on this site and placing it in this section. A sort of Encyclopedia and Gazetteer of Wales if you like.

Let us know what you would like to see added.

 Historic Regions of Wales
 Map of Wales
Towns and Cities
 Unitary Authorities
Welsh Calendar
 Links to sites of Welsh interest
 Welsh Castles
 Welsh Rivers
 Abbeys, Cathedrals and Churches of Wales
 Welsh Saints and Martyrs
 Islands of Wales
 Hills and Mountains of Wales
 Beaches and Bays
 Lakes and Reservoirs
 Canals of Wales
 Valleys of Wales
 Railways of Wales
 Welsh Organisations
 Historic Houses of Wales
 Youth Hostels in Wales
 Theatres in Wales
 Universities in Wales
 Museums and Galleries


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could you add this?
This looks like a good site to me! But in your list of inclusions you don't have anything on the Welsh language, which is extremely important. A brief history, a few place names with their explanation, a bit on the Eisteddfod, and where to learn Welsh, with a few books listed - that would be great. (I'm not just saying that cos I've learned Welsh and written a book about the experience! I really believe this is a sad omission from your site. Let me know if I can help.

#1 - Jen Llywelyn - 08/17/2007 - 03:52
could you add this?
Hi Jen,

Welsh Language -

Eisteddfod -

Book/Literature -

Yes, all help more than welcome. Please email me at

Editor - Welsh Icons
#2 - Dom - 08/17/2007 - 04:15
E-mail (Will not appear online)
;-) :-) :-D :-( :-o >-( B-) :oops: :-[] :-P
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All copyrights acknowledged with thanks to Wikipedia. Another site by 3Cat Design 2006-2007
Whilst we try to give accurate information, we accept no liabilty for loss or incorrect information listed on this site.
If you do spot a mistake, please let us know.



Bold Red
Internal Link

External Link

 B&B's/Guesthouses Opening Hours
 Credit Cards
 Farmers Markets
 Historic Houses
 Admission Charges
 Telephone No.
 Tourist Information
 Disabled Facilities
 Web Address
 Youth Hostels
llustration(s) or photograph(s) viewable Illustration(s) or


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