Welsh Icons - 2007

Welsh Icons
About Wales

and all things Welsh



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This Month

September 1st

Gwynfor Evans (politician) born 1912 in Barry

September 2nd

Victor Spinetti (actor) born 1932 in Abergavenny

September 7th

Max Boyce (entertainer) born 1945

September 13th

Roald Dahl (writer) born 1916, Cardiff

Parts of Wales have been heavily industrialised since the eighteenth century. Coal, copper, iron, lead, and gold have been mined in Wales, and slate has been quarried. Ironworks and tinplate works, along with the coal mines, attracted large numbers of immigrants during the nineteenth century, particularly to the valleys north of Cardiff. Due to the poor quality soil, much of Wales is unsuitable for crop-growing, and livestock farming has traditionally been the focus of agriculture. The Welsh landscape, protected by three National Parks, and the unique Welsh culture bring in tourism, which is especially vital for rural areas.

Light engineering is still an important activity in the main population areas of the South and extreme North-East, but the economy, as elsewhere in the UK, is now focused on the service sector.


Welsh Gold

Welsh Slate





More Welsh industries/products to be listed shortly


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