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Welsh Icons - 2007

Welsh Icons
About Wales

and all things Welsh

Click Here to Vote for your favorite Welsh Politician

David Lloyd George

Rhodri Morgan

Neil Kinnock

Michael Howard

Nye Bevan

Gwynfor Evans

Roy Jenkins

Ann Clwyd

Dafydd Wigley

Glenys Kinnock

This list is just a few names we came up with to start with.

  • Nick Bourne (born 1952), Leader of the Welsh Conservatives in the National Assembly
  • Cledwyn Hughes (Baron Cledwyn of Penrhos) (1916-2001), politician
  • Baron Elwyn-Jones (1909-1989), barrister, politician and Lord Chancellor
  • Francis Lewis (1713-1803), signatory of the American Declaration of Independence

    And here is some of the feedback we have received-
  • Lord Ellis Thomas. The first President of Wales
  • Other recent nominations include-

    Kim Howells

    Geoffrey Howe

    George Thomas

    John Prescott

    Michael Heseltine

    Joan Ruddock

    Paul Murphy

    Jim Griffiths






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    All copyrights acknowledged with thanks to Wikipedia. Another site by 3Cat Design 2006-2007
    Whilst we try to give accurate information, we accept no liabilty for loss or incorrect information listed on this site.
    If you do spot a mistake, please let us know.



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    This Month

    September 1st

    Gwynfor Evans (politician) born 1912 in Barry

    September 2nd

    Victor Spinetti (actor) born 1932 in Abergavenny

    September 7th

    Max Boyce (entertainer) born 1945

    September 13th

    Roald Dahl (writer) born 1916, Cardiff