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It is a large private housing estate built on farmland to the east of Bridgend town centre and is home to approximately 12,000 of the 40,000 or so residents of Bridgend. It is home to four primary schools, one of which is the local Welsh language school, another a Church in Wales school. Its expansion continues today. It is hoped Brackla will have a park and ride railway station on the Great Western Railway main line soon.
Brackla used to be part of the Bridgend Royal Ordnance Factory (Arsenal), most of the munitions made at nearby Waterton were stored in underground tunnels (the 8 X's). Two of the munitions storage magazines in the Brackla ROF site were converted to a RGHQ (Regional Government Headquarters) during the Cold War as part of the UK continuity of government plans. It is now in the hands of a private company.
There are four churches in Brackla. Brackla Evangelical Church is affiliated to the FIEC, and meets at the Community Centre. Brackla Anglican Church is a congregation of St Mary's, Nolton, Church in Wales. It meets at the Archdeacon John Lewis School. Brackla Baptist Church is a member of the Baptist Union of Wales. It meets at Brackla Junior School. Brackla Tabernacle is the only church in Brackla with a building. It is part of the Apostolic Church (UK).
Pubs/Bars in Brackla: Hunter's Lodge Church Acre Brackla Bridgend Mid Glamorgan CF31 2JT 01656 664951
Two Brewers Brackla Way Brackla Bridgend Mid Glamorgan CF31 2JS 01656 661788
Taxis in Brackla: Connect 4 Travel 60 Robins Hill Brackla Bridgend Mid Glamorgan CF31 2PJ 01656 648729
Vets in Brackla: Maesglass Veterinary Group Church Acre Brackla Bridgend Mid Glamorgan CF31 2JT 01656 652751
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