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Welsh Icons - Songs
Bryn Calfaria

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Bryn Calfaria
 Take me as I am, O Saviour,
Better I can never be.
Thou alone canst bring me nearer;
Self but draws me far from thee.
I can never, I can never, I can never
But within Thy wounds be saved, 
But within Thy wounds be saved.

Wearied of the desert journey
which through pain and peril goes
I have failed, alone, to conquer
E'en the meanest of my foes
But the strongest, But the strongest, But the strongest,
Flies, before Thy glorious Name.
Flies, before Thy glorious Name.

Calvary's blood the weak exalteth
More than conquerors to be,
Calvary's blood the strong abaseth
Myriad hosts to bow to Thee;
O Revive me O Revive me O Revive me
With a breeze from Calvary
With a breeze from Calvary

I will thrust Thy might unmeasured
Great the work that marks Thy way;
Thou hast death, and Thou hast Satan,
Thou hast hell beneath Thy sway;
Hill of Calv'ry! Hill of Calv'ry! Hill of Calv'ry!
I shall praise for evermore!
I shall praise for evermore!

Bryn Calfaria
Cymer, Iesu, fi fel' rydwyf,
Fyth ni allaf fod yn well;
Dallu di am gwna yn agos,
Fewyllys i yw mynd ymhell
Yn, dy glwyfau, yn dy glwyfau,
Bydda'i'n unig fyth yn iach
Bydda'i'n unig fyth yn iach.

Mi ddiffygiais deithior crastir
Dyrys anial wrthyf f''hun
Ac mi fethais � choncwerio
O'm gelynion lleiaf un
Mae dy enw, Mae dy enw, Mae dy enw
'N able i beri i'r cryfaf ffoi,
'N able i beri i'r cryfaf ffoi

Gwaed y Groes sy'n codi i fyny,
'Reiddil yn goncwerwr mawr:
Gwaed dy Groes sydd yn darostwng,
Cewri cedyrn fyrdd i lawr.
Gad im deimlo, Gad im deilo, Gad im deimlo
Awel O Galfaria fryn, 
Awel O Galfaria fryn. 

Ymddiried af yn dy allu,
Mawr yw'r gwaith a wnest erioed;
Ti gest angeu, Ti gest uffern,
Ti gest Satan dan dy droed.
Pen Calfar-ia, Pen Calfar-ia, Pen Calfaria,
Nac aed hwnw byth om cof!
Nac aed hwnw byth om cof!


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