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Camrose (Welsh: Camrh�s) is a village and parish in the Hundred of Roose (Welsh: Rh�s), Pembrokeshire, Wales.
Camrose was a civil parish, area 3386 Ha.
The parish church of St Ismael is situated in the village, at grid reference 192720,220060.
The name Camrose is an anglicised form of the Welsh name, and means "crooked moor" or "crooked peninsula". The village contains a substantial Norman motte, which is often referred to as a "Landsker castle" although it lies far from the linguistic boundary.
The parish is on the south (English) side of the linguistic boundary. A small area, north of Dudwell Mountain, has been Welsh-speaking in modern times, but was probably english-speaking before the Enclosures at the end of the 18th century.
Pubs/Bars in Camrose: Ye Olde Inn Camrose Haverfordwest Pembrokeshire SA62 6HY 01437 710293
B&B's/Guesthouses in Camrose: Judith Williams Camrose Haverfordwest Dyfed SA62 6HW 01437 762208
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