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Cilfynydd is a village in South Wales a mile from the South Wales Valleys town of Pontypridd, and 12 miles north of the capital city Cardiff.
History Cilfynydd was built around the same time they sank the shaft of the nearby Albion colliery in 1884 in order to provide housing for the work force. The houses were typically terraced, the main road through Cilfynydd was once the main route between Cardiff and Merthyr before the building of the A470 road which runs parallel to the old road.
Local government In 2008, Barrie Morgan became the first Labour politician for 9 years to be elected to represent the Cilfynydd ward.
Libraries in Cilfynydd: Cilfynydd Library Cilfynydd Primary School Ann Street Cilfynydd Pontypridd CF37 4EN 01443 402273 Mon 2:00pm-5:00pm Tue 10:30am-12:30pm Wed Closed Thu 3:00pm-6:00pm Fri 10:30am-12:30pm
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