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Eglwyscummin is a parish council boundary area on the south-west of Carmarthenshire, Wales incorporating Marros and Cyfig Parishes with the village of Red Roses seen as the heart of the area.

Eglwyscummin is made up mostly of farming land with a main road route to the once popular holiday resort of Pendine Sands and the main route to south Pembrokeshire and the Pembroke Dock ferry port.

Overall administration and services are via Carmarthenshire County Council inline with Eglwyscummin Community Council and input from the Taf Myrddin Community Network.

Other input comes from the Eglwyscummin Community Association.

Cyfig Church - Cyfig, Church of St. Margaret - Eglwyscummin, St-Lawrence Church - Marros, Memorial Garden - Red Roses.

Apart from the local farms, other businesses in the area include a horse riding school, a fishing lake, a shooting range, three caravan parks, holiday cottages for the disabled, a bus company, a farm producing ice cream, an Autograss league track and two public houses.

The English translation of Eglwyscummin is church community. There were five churches within the district but currently now only two remain operable with Cyfig Church becoming the latest to close its door for maintenance.

Plans for a main traffic by-pass route to take over from the current poorly-rated accident-ridden route from St. Clears to Red Roses have been announced by the Welsh Assembly. Work is scheduled to take place in 2012.

Other development in the area is centred on the creation of a local centre for the community and additional housing in Red Roses.

Eglwys-Cummin (Eglwys-Cymmyn) - From 'A Topographical Dictionary of Wales' (1849)
EGLWYS-CUMMIN (EGLWYS-CYMMYN), a parish, in the union of Narberth, Lower division of the hundred of Derllŷs, county of Carmarthen, South Wales, 4 miles (S. W.) from St. Clear's, near the road to Haverfordwest; containing 349 inhabitants. This parish, which is of considerable antiquity, derives some degree of celebrity from an allusion made to it by Sir John Pryce, in his history of the Welsh wars, as the place in which a peace was once concluded; and a memorial of this event is preserved in the name of "Peace Park," given to the spot on which the negotiations were transacted. The parish is of great extent, and is situated at the south-western extremity of the county, on the borders of Pembrokeshire. It is bounded by the parishes of Marros, Pendine, and Kifig; and two streams intersect it, which, after pursuing a subterraneous course for a considerable distance, discharge their waters into Carmarthen bay. A considerable portion of it is uncultivated. The living is a rectory, rated in the king's books at £8, and in the patronage of the Lord Chancellor: the tithes have been commuted for a rent-charge of £200, and the glebe comprises three acres and a half, valued at £3. 12. per annum; with a glebe-house. The church, dedicated to St. Margaret, contains a monument to the memory of Sir John Perrot, who was the first sheriff of the county of Pembroke: on the chalice of the communion-plate is inscribed, in old letters, Poculum Ecclesiæ de Eglos Skymine, with the date 1574; the word Skymine, signifying "bleak," being supposed to allude to the situation of the church on a lofty unsheltered eminence. There is a place of worship for Independents, with a Sunday school held in it. Zacharias Thomas, in 1682, bequeathed to the poor not receiving parochial relief a rent-charge of £1. 6. 8. Some vestiges of an ancient military earthwork exist in a field here, which, from that circumstance, has obtained the appellation of "Castell Park."


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