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Government of Wales Act 1998

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Government of Wales Act 1998
The Government of Wales Act, 1998 (1998 c. 38) is an Act of the Parliament of the United Kingdom.

The long title of the Act is An Act to establish and make provision about the National Assembly for Wales and the offices of Auditor General for Wales and Welsh Administration Ombudsman; to reform certain Welsh public bodies and abolish certain other Welsh public bodies; and for connected purposes. It was passed in 1998 by the Labour government to create a national assembly for Wales.

It transferred most of the powers of the Secretary of State for Wales, and made provision for elections to the Assembly.

The Act lead to the establishment of the National Assembly for Wales in 1999, after the referundum held in 1997 which narrowly approved devolution.

Click here to view the full text of the act.


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