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Itton (Welsh: Llanddinol), is a small hamlet in Monmouthshire, south-east Wales. The village of Itton covers about a 2 mile radius with about 70 properties in the countryside. In Itton there is a church and other houses. One important building was the Court, where the Curre family lived. The hunt was named after them. Another is the rectory which was inhabited in Victorian times by a vicar. Today it is an Old Rectory, which houses the Griffiths family.
History Mayo Hunt was started by Sir Ben Mayo who lived in Itton Court in the 19th century. The Mayo Hunt was very well known nationally for their famous 'All White Pack' meaning all the dogs were bred to be white, although following the fairly recent amalgamation of the Mayo and Llangibby hunts this famous characteristic has largely faded out; many of the dogs are still white but there are some beagle-like dogs too.
Places of Worship in Itton: St Deiniol Church Itton Chepstow Gwent NP16 6BR 01291 622064
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