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Llandough (Welsh: Llandochdwy - Llan Church + Tochdwy Saint Tochdwy) lies to the north-west of Penarth, on a small eminence overlooking Cardiff, Penarth and the Bristol Channel. It is sometimes described as Llandough-juxta-Penarth (and, in earlier times, as Llandough-juxta-Cardiff), and is often confused with another village of the same name (in full, Llandough-juxta-Cowbridge), situated to the south of Cowbridge in the same county of the Vale of Glamorgan.

It is best-known as the site of one of largest hospitals in the Cardiff area. Llandough Hospital was opened in 1934, and has been considerably extended since then. It now features a main corridor around one mile in length.

Llandough was a small farming and quarrying village until the mid-1960's, when Llandough and Lakeside (in Cardiff) were developed at the same time, and a large number of houses were built in Llandough, together with a primary school and a block of six shopping units. The shops are all now closed and there are plans to replace them with residential homes.

Recent excavations have shown that the village's history goes back much further. When the housing estate was extended in the 1970s, the site of a Roman villa was found between the church and the housing estate. This has now been built over with blocks of flats, with one road named Tuscan Way.

Llandough was long-believed to be one of the main ecclesiastical centres in South-East Wales, and was almost certainly the site of St. Dochdwy's monastery. Support for this was found when the excavations for the Roman villa revealed post-Roman burials, and also during another excavation in 1994, when the remains of over 800 individual burials, all dating from the 4th to the 12th century AD were revealed.

The monastery no longer exists. It was perhaps overshadowed by the ecclesiastical site at Llandaf, and reduced to the importance of a parish church. The current church, which was built in the middle of the nineteenth century by Prichard and Seddon, replaced one built a few years earlier, which was apparently sold to the next village of Leckwith, and moved piece-by-piece to be erected there. A 10th or 11th century stone cross stands in the churchyard at Llandough.

There were around six thatched cottages in the village around 1960, but only one remained in 2006. Apart from the Church and the old "Dame School" (at the junction of Penlan Road and Lewis Road), the only other building of any interest is the "Baron's Court," near the roundabout on Penarth Road at the entrance to Penarth. It is the oldest building in the Llandough area, but - as of 2006 - was a Beefeater Restaurant and much hemmed in by a new flyover.

 Buses in Llandough: 95 to Cardiff City Centre
       see www.cardiffbus.com for details

 Pubs/Bars in Llandough:
 Barons Court
       Cogan Roundabout
       South Glamorgan
       CF64 1ND
 02920 708635

 The Merrie Harrier
       117 Penlan Road
       South Glamorgan
       CF64 2NY
 029 2030 3994

 Schools/Colleges in Llandough:
 Llandough Primary
       Dochdwy Road
       CF64 2QD
 02920 702835
 02920 702835

Llandough (Llan-Dôch), or Llan-Doche-Penarth - From 'A Topographical Dictionary of Wales' (1849)
LLANDOUGH (LLAN-DÔCH), or LLAN-DOCHE-PENARTH, a parish, in the poor-law union of Cardiff, hundred of Dinas-Powys, county of Glamorgan, South Wales, 4 miles (S. W.) from Cardiff; containing 133 inhabitants. This place is supposed by some writers to have been the site of a monastery founded in the fifth century for twelve monks, or canons, and dedicated to the Holy Trinity, by St. Cyngarus, which was afterwards amply endowed by Paulentus, at that time King of Gwent. Cyngarus, who is also called Docuinus, and who, according to Bishop Tanner, came into this part of the country about the year 474, has by other writers been identified with the British saint Dôchdwy, who is said to have accompanied Cadvan into Wales in the early part of the sixth century; and the parochial church, which is dedicated to that saint, has consequently been regarded as the original church of the monastery. But this conjecture is not supported by any satisfactory authority, nor has it been confirmed by the discovery of any remains of conventual buildings. The village is pleasantly situated on a finely wooded eminence, on the west bank of the Ely, about a mile above its fall into Penarth harbour; it overlooks a large level tract, intersected by the rivers Ely and Tâf, and commands an extensive and interesting view of the surrounding country, which abounds with richly varied scenery. The exhalations from the marshes below are unfavourable to the health of the inhabitants, who are consequently subject to attacks of ague. Limestone is the prevailing substratum of the parish.

The living is a discharged rectory, united to the livings of Leckwith and Cogan. The church, a very ancient structure, neatly fitted up, and kept in good repair, is evidently of a period anterior to the introduction of the pointed style of architecture, though some windows of that character have been inserted: in the churchyard is the shaft of an old circular cross, ornamented with scrolls and tracery, but without any legible inscription. A school has been erected by subscription, aided by a grant from a society. Cogan Pill, the ancient seat of the Herberts, a branch of the family of that name near Swansea, has been converted into a farmhouse, the grand hall being appropriated as a barn: the Herberts of this county were ancestors of the Earls of Pembroke and of Warwick. At a short distance from the church, to the southeast, is a small circular mound, commanding the entrances of the rivers Ely and Tâf, and probably an outpost for the defence of those rivers, communicating with the stations at Whitchurch, Romney Bridge, and Cardiff.


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