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Llannon is a small village in the county of Carmarthenshire, administered by Carmarthenshire County Council. It has deep historical links with the Rebecca Riots and there is even rumoured to be a "secret passage" under the main road running through the village. This passage was said to have been used by Oliver Cromwell and possibly the Rebecca Rioters as an escape route to avoid the police. The passage runs from the Red Lion Public House to the Parish Church.
Another Public House dwells in the village which lies on the Llannon to Hendy road junction called the Greyhound Inn. It is unknown which Public House is older, but the road that the Greyhound Inn lies on has a watering fountain on it which was built to water horses of passing carts.
Pubs/Bars in Llannon: The Greyhound Inn 1 Fountain Road Llannon Llanelli Dyfed SA14 6BE 01269 841410
Ye Olde Red Lion 3 Heol Y Plas Llannon Llanelli Dyfed SA14 6AD 01269 841276
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