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Llansilin is a village in Powys, Wales, about 6 miles west of Oswestry.
The church in Llansilin is dedicated to St. Silin. The earliest part of the present building dates from the thirteenth century, although there had been a church on the site from much earlier times. Much of the present building dates from the early 15th Century. The wooden spire was destroyed by fire, and the present tower was built in 1832. There was a major restoration during 1889/1890, and the church was re-opened in June, 1890.
The church was in Denbighshire until 1974; and in Clwyd from 1974 until 1996.
It is now in Powys, following boundary revisions in 1996.
Pubs/Bars: Wynnstay Inn Llansilin Oswestry Shropshire SY10 7QB 01691 791355
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