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Llanvair Discoed is a small village in Monmouthshire, South Wales, just outside Newport. It is considered by many in the area to be the perfect 'chocolate box village' in South Wales. The village is mentioned in the Domesday Book of 1086 as 'Lamecare'.
The name means Mary's (Mair > Fair) church (llan) under (is) the wood (coed). The 'd' at the start of Discoed only appears in more recent versions of the name. A more correct Welsh language name would be Llanfair-iscoed. The wood probably refers to Wentwood.
The village currently has 67 houses, 1 pub (The Woodlands Tavern), 1 Church (St Marys - Church in Wales) and a ruined castle.
The village has a vibrant social life considering it's size with a selection of clubs and activities to join in:
First Thursday Club. A ladies only club that meets every first Thursday of the month for drinks, nibbles, cinema, theatre etc
First Wednesday. All welcome for lunch in the Woodlands Tavern every first Wednesday of the month
Christmas Village Party - Black Ties only!
Two share investment clubs - Top Investment Tips and The Falcons for those with a little money to splash out on
The village is nestled at the bottom of Grey Hill, an important archeological site from pre-history. It is on the road to Usk via Wentwood.
The Woodlands Tavern is the ideal spot to stop in for lunch, drinks or dinner when exploring the area. An extensive wine list as well as a fine selection of lager and beer. Food is excellent and the chef often puts on specials such as 'lobster and strawberries' all at very reasonable prices.
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