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Margam is a suburb of Port Talbot in the Welsh county borough of Neath Port Talbot, close to junction 39 of the M4 motorway. It is also the name of an electoral ward and community coterminous with the suburb.

Margam was an ancient community, formerly part of the cwmwd of Tir Iarll, initially dominated by Margam Abbey, a wealthy house of the Cistercians founded in 1147. (Margam is believed to have played a significant role in the early transmission of the work of St. Bernard of Clairvaux). At the dissolution of the monasteries, it came into the possession of the Mansel family who were eventually succeeded by their descendants in the female line, the Talbot family, a cadet of the family of the Earls of Shrewsbury. The parish church continued to operate from the nave of Margam Abbey, as it still does. Margam Castle grounds contain the ruins of the Chapter House and major seventeenth and eighteenth century monuments. The Stones Museum contains important evidence for the advent of Christianity in the area.

With the coming of the industrial revolution, the parish of Margam became important for two reasons. First, it had a good harbour which was ultimately developed into Port Talbot, named in honour of the squires of Margam. Second, it had coal deposits, and coal mining in the parish took off in the late 18th century. The combination of local fuel and good transport links from the harbour made Margam an important part of the industrial landscape of South Wales.

At first, the coal workers lived away from the village of Margam itself, notably in a settlement at Taibach. However, eventually, the whole of the parish was submerged by the community of industrial workers. Margam then assumed its modern form as a suburb of Port Talbot.

Not included in the urbanisation and industrialisation of Margam, however, were the grounds of Margam Abbey, which were incorporated by the Talbot family into the grounds of their nearby 19th century mansion, Margam Castle (badly damaged by fire in the late 20th century but now in process of restoration). The Talbot family had previously, in the 18th century constructed at Margam the longest orangery in Europe, which still stands. All the land was sold out of the Talbot family in the mid 20th century but it has been preserved as Margam Country Park, an estate of some 850 acres (340 ha) owned and administered by the local council which is a major local attraction.

In the early 20th century, Margam became the site of an important British Steel works and the cooling towers became a local landmark. They were demolished in November 2003 because of steel over-production in mainland Europe.

The actor Anthony Hopkins was born in Margam.

Llewellyn Heycock, Baron Heycock was born and bred in Margam, his family arrived in the 18th century, and he took his title from the Margam settlement at Taibach.

 Golf in Margam:
 Lakeside Golf Club and Driving Range
       Water Street
       Port Talbot
       Neath Port Talbot
       SA13 2PA
 01639 899959

 Parks/Gardens in Margam:
 Margam Country Park
       Port Talbot
       West Glamorgan
       SA13 2TJ
 01639 881635

 Hotels in Margam:
 Twelve Knights Hotel
       Margam Road
       Port Talbot
       West Glamorgan
       SA13 2DB
 01639 882381

 B&B's/Guesthouses in Margam:
 The Twelve Knights
       Margam Road
       Neath Port Talbot
       SA13 2DB 
 01639 882381
 01639 861040

 Ty'n-y-Coed B&B
 10 Ten Acre Wood
       Neath Port Talbot
       SA13 2SU 
 01639 885500

 Restaurants in Margam:
 Abbotts Kitchen
       Margam Abbey
       Port Talbot
       West Glamorgan
       SA13 2TA
 01639 871184

 Cafes in Margam:
 Express Cafe
       266 Margam Road
       Port Talbot
       West Glamorgan
       SA13 2DB
 01639 882432

 Take Aways in Margam:
 Lees Fish Bar (Fish and Chips)
       274 Margam Road
       Port Talbot
       West Glamorgan
       SA13 2DB
 01639 881518

 Margam Fish Bar (Fish and Chips)
       76-76b Margam Road
       Port Talbot
       West Glamorgan
       SA13 2BW
 01639 882004

 Other in Margam:
 British Steel Sports & Social Club
       Port Talbot
       West Glamorgan
       SA13 2NF
 01639 882066

Margam - From 'A Topographical Dictionary of Wales' (1849)
MARGAM, a parish, in the union of Neath, hundred of Newcastle, county of Glamorgan, South Wales, bounded on the south by the Bristol Channel, and situated on the line of the great western road through the county, 9 miles (S. S. E.) from Neath; containing 3526 inhabitants, of whom 382 are in the hamlet of Margam. The early history of this place is involved in some obscurity: it was, at a very remote period, erected into a bishopric, which continued for five successions, and then merged in that of Llandaf. Some writers ascribe this to Morgan, or Morcant, son of the renowned King Arthur, who is said to have occasionally resided here; but the circumstance is doubtful. Its original name was Pen-d�r, "the oak summit," so called from a noble wood of oak that covers the breast of a mountain, upwards of 800 feet in height, forming a striking feature in the landscape, and deservedly admired for its boldness and grandeur, as well as for the beauty and variety of its outline. The present appellation is considered a corruption of Mawrgan, who was the son of Caradoc ab Iestyn, and a great benefactor to the celebrated abbey of Margan or Margam, if not its founder. Mr. Humphrey Llwyd, who is followed by several other respectable Welsh antiquaries, is of the latter opinion, and states that he had seen "Morgan ap Caradoc's original charter, with nine witnesses, all very antique British names." Dugdale, and the Annales de Margan printed in the second volume of Gale's Scriptores, both date the foundation in 1147, and attribute it to Robert, Earl of Gloucester, who, according to the latter, died in this year. Bishop Tanner, in comparing these authorities with Speed and some manuscript accounts, which differ a little in their dates, inserts a qu�re whether "Robert might not begin this house only, a little before his death, and William, his son and successor, finish it some time after?" The latter is by Camden considered to have been its founder.

Notwithstanding the uncertainty of its origin, there can be little doubt that it was endowed by Caradoc ab Iestyn, lord of the adjacent lordship of Avon, with extensive grants of lands, which were confirmed by a deed under the hands of Morgan, and his two brothers, Cadwallon and Meriedoc, whose descendants, for several generations, were munificent benefactors to the establishment. This appears from the charter of Thomas de Avene, dated February 10th, 1349 (as found by Dugdale, translated into English in the collection of Mr. Hugh Thomas, without mentioning where the latter obtained it), wherein Avene states, "after due consideration, I confirm unto the said monks all donations, grants, confirmations, and sales whatsoever, which they enjoy by the bounty of any of my predecessors, viz., whatsoever they may have by the gift of Morgan ab Caradoc; of Leison and Owen, the sons of the said Morgan; and all they have by gift of Morgan Cam and his heirs, of Morgan Vaughan and Sir Leison, the sons of the said Morgan Cam; likewise whatsoever they have by the gift of Sir Thomas de Avene, my father." A large collection of original charters belonging to this abbey is preserved with the Harleian MSS. in the British Museum; the earliest is a confirmatory bull of Pope Urban III., dated in 1186. It was a Cistercian abbey, dedicated to St. Mary, and is mentioned by earlier antiquaries as the first house of that kind in these parts: according to Leland it had the privilege of sanctuary. When King John exacted a levy from the Cistercian monasteries, the abbey of Margan or Margam was exempted, on account of the hospitality he had received here, on his way to Ireland.

At the Dissolution, its revenue was estimated at �188. 14., and the site and possessions, together with the royalty of Avon water, were purchased by Sir Rice Mansel, Knt., who, about the year 1552, built a mansion partly on the site of the abbey, which continued to be the principal seat of the family until the extinction of the male line in 1750. This edifice, which subsequently underwent considerable alterations and repairs, was built of the stone of the country, with Sutton-stone quoins and dressings taken from the ruins of the abbey; it presented a long front without any magnificence in the structure, and was taken down about the year 1782. The chapter-house, which is a portion of the ancient conventual buildings, is in the form of a regular duodecagon without, but within, an exact circle, 49 feet in diameter. Its roof was vaulted, and supported in the centre by a single clustered column branching off into twenty-four ribs; but this beautiful roof fell in the year 1799, in consequence of the outer walls having become defective, and not, as has been asserted by tourists, from the filtration of water through the joints of the stones; and the side walls of the chapter-house, with the spring of the arches, only, are now left standing.

A noble mansion, in the style of English architecture which prevailed in the reign of Henry VIII., has lately been erected, on a scale suited to the rank and fortune of the representative of this ancient family, Christopher Rice Mansel Talbot, Esq., MP., F.R.S., lord-lieutenant of the county. Its chief external features are two grand fa�ades, broken by bays, and a tower: the interior is superbly furnished. In the midst of the pleasure-grounds is a splendid orangery, an unusual appendage to a private residence, but there is no document in existence that shows the period of its establishment. According to tradition, this celebrated collection of exotics was intended as a present from a Dutch merchant to Queen Mary, consort of William III.; but the vessel conveying it having been stranded on the coast here, the choice cargo was claimed as the property of the lord, and a house, 150 feet in length, was built for the reception of the plants. The late Mr. Talbot, in the year 1787, built a new green-house, 327 feet in length, with a handsome Palladian front, and a room at each end; and, in 1800, a conservatory, 150 feet long, with flues in the ground. There are about 110 trees in the greenhouse, all standards planted in square boxes, and many of them eighteen feet high; those in the conservatory, forty in number, are trained against a trellis framing. The collection includes pomegranate, lemon, citron, and shaddock trees, as well as orange-trees. The evergreens cultivated in the grounds surrounding the orangery are healthy and luxuriant: among these a bay-tree, supposed to be the largest in Britain, sprouting from the ground in several branches, is the most remarkable, being upwards of sixty feet in height, and forty-five in diameter; the arbutus, Portugal laurel, and holly flourish in an extraordinary manner, and present a rich appearance.

The parish is bounded on the west by the parishes of Aberavon and Michaelston-super-Avon, on the north and north-east by Llangonoyd, on the east and south-east by Tythegston, and on the south by Pyle and Kenvig. It contains 11,200 acres, of which 3200 are good and productive, 4800 poor and indifferent, and 3200 mountain and warren; every kind of corn is produced in the portion of good soil, and there is a large extent of pasture. A magnificent wood presents itself on the side of a mountain 820 feet high, in which oak most abounds, but all sorts of timber are found to thrive; the parish is watered by the Avon on the west, and the Kenvig on the east, and there are the Frydwyllt and other brooks falling into these rivers. A building in the form of a semilunar battery, upon the summit of the mountain, commands a view of the woody concave, singularly beautiful and striking; and from the same point is obtained a magnificent prospect of the sea, and the bay of Swansea, with the distant hills of the counties of Somerset and Devon. The South Wales railway runs through the parish.

Owing to the abundance of coal, there are some very large works carried on. The first was an ironforge established by Nathaniel Myers, Esq., of Cadoxton, on the site of the present tin-works of Messrs. Robert Smith and Co. Then followed the Tai-b�ch copper-works of the English Copper Company, the oldest association of that kind in the kingdom, a charter having been granted in 1691, soon after copperore was discovered in Great Britain, to Sir Joseph Hume and other merchants of London, who were thereby incorporated under the title of "The Governor and Company of Copper-Mines in England." In the year 1800, was erected here the first steamengine used for the manufacture of copper in the principality. These works, now in the possession of other parties, usually afford employment to about 400 persons, and the quantity of copper annually exported amounts to 1400 tons. The charter now belongs to the owners of the great Cwmavon copper, tin, and iron works, partly in Margam parish, but chiefly in the parish of Michaelston-super-Avon: see Cwmavon. Messrs. Smith and Company's tin-works are situated not far from the town of Aberavon, or PortTalbot, and employ some hundred persons. A part of the hamlet of H�vod-y-Porth, on the north-western confines of the parish, is included within the new boundaries of the contributory borough of Aberavon (which see); and the hamlet of Kenvig Higher, and part of that of Trissient, are comprised within the borough of Kenvig.

The living is a perpetual curacy, endowed with �1600 parliamentary grant; net income, �121; patron and impropriator, C. R. M. Talbot, Esq. The church, which is dedicated to the Virgin Mary, and will accommodate 550 persons, was chiefly erected in 1809, by the late Mr. Talbot, on the site of the nave of the abbey church, which had become ruinous: the west front was preserved, and is considered a fine specimen of the Norman style. In widening the north aisle to its original size, several interesting monuments were discovered; one without date, bearing a Latin inscription to the memory of an abbot, also the mutilated effigy of a crusader, in chain armour, which was placed within the entrance to the chapter-house. At the east ends of the aisles are monuments to several members of the family of Mansel, upon which are recumbent figures, the men being in armour, and the ladies in the dress of their times, with their children, in a kneeling posture, about the sides of the tombs, having the names inscribed over their heads. On a plate in one of the pillars is a Latin inscription in monkish rhyme, to the memory of a favourite huntsman, supposed to be by Dr. Friend, the eminent classical physician; it was translated into English verse by the late Very Rev. W. Bruce Knight, dean of Llandaf and incumbent of Margam. At Tai-b�ch, about two miles from the church, at the western extremity of the parish, a chapel of ease was erected in 1827, to accommodate the increasing population; the principal contributors towards which were, C. R. M. Talbot, Esq., the English Copper Company, John Reynolds, Esq., and Robert Smith and Co., assisted by a grant of �400 from the Incorporated Society for building and enlarging churches and chapels. A gallery has since been erected at a cost of �100: the whole building contains between 600 and 700 sittings, of which upwards of 500 are free. There are places of worship in the parish for Calvinistic Methodists.

It contains the Margam Churchyard school, in the village; a Church school at the Tai-b�ch copperworks; another at the tin-works, near Aberavon; the Brynd� works school, a mile distant from Pyle; and a school at the Oakwood portion of the Cwmavon works. Of these, the first is partly supported by subscription, and partly by school-pence; the others are supported by a stoppage on the workmen's wages. There are nine Sunday schools, one of them in connexion with the Church, two unconnected with any religious congregation, and six belonging to the Calvinistic body. John Brown, in the year 1682, bequeathed �100, due to him by bonds from his master, Sir Edward Mansel; the interest of which, �4.19. 8. charged on Margam Park, is distributed, according to the intentions of the donor, in twenty-three penny loaves of bread every Sunday after service, among the poor not having parochial relief. The poor also receive on the 24th of December, and have so received for the last seventy or eighty years, from the Talbot family, a distribution of meat and money, the former consisting of a fat bull of the value of �10 or �12, cut up into eighty pieces, and the latter of the corresponding value of twenty Winchester bushels of wheat, and the same quantity of barley, according to the average price of those articles in the preceding market at Neath. The money is divided among the same persons as the beef, and varies in sums of 1s. to 8s. to each. Mr. Talbot's agent, assisted by the minister, churchwardens, and overseers, attends at the distribution.

In the wood above the village of Margam, called Craig-y-Capel, stand the roofless walls of an old chapel; and upon the top of the mountain to the north-east, is (or until lately was) a monument inscribed Bodvacus hic jacet filius Catotis Irni pro nepos �ternali Domo. Among the curiosities preserved in Mr. Talbot's mansion, are some Roman antiquities found in the neighbourhood; and in the grounds is a very interesting collection of early monuments. On the road from Margam to Kenvig was a nunnery, part of which has been converted into a farmhouse. Near the chapter-house of Margam are two ancient British crosses, standing upright, supposed to be of the fifth and sixth centuries. There also vestiges of an intrenchment upon the hill of Pen-y-Castell.


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