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Nantymoel (Welsh for Bare Gorge) is a village in the county borough of Bridgend, Wales on the River Ogmore, and is one of the constituent villages of the Ogmore Valley. It is bordered by the Wyndham and Pricetown to the South and by the Bwlch to the North.
As with the rest of Ogmore Vale, it was mainly a farming community up until the middle of the 19th century when coal mining became widespread across South Wales. The last coal mine closed in the 1980s, resulting in high unemployment at that time. Most residents today now travel to Bridgend or other larger town for work.
The primary school was one of the few in the whole valley that didn't close in September 2002 and merge with the new Ogmore Primary school. It was refurbished in 2002 to combine with the nursery school that had previously closed.
The A4061 road passes through the village and goes north over the Bwlch where it links to the Rhondda Valley to the East and the A4107 that goes West. The Bwlch, and surrounding large hillsides, offers a far-reaching view of the surrounding country. On a clear day, it is possible to see South Western England over the Bristol Channel to the south and the Brecon Beacons mountain range to the north.
Pubs/Bars in Nantymoel: Blaenogwr Hotel Ogwy Street Nantymoel Bridgend CF32 7SA 01656840437
Nantymoel Hotel Commercial Street Nantymoel Bridgend CF32 7RB 01656 840384
Other in Nantymoel: Nantymoel Social Club & Institute Ltd Commercial Street Nantymoel Bridgend CF32 7RB 01656 840416
Schools/Colleges in Nantymoel: Nantymoel Primary School (Primary) Gwendoline Street Nantymoel Bridgend CF32 7PL 01656 840417
Chemists/Pharmacies in Nantymoel: AT Brown Ltd 22 Ogwy Street Nantymoel Bridgend Mid Glamorgan CF32 7SA 01656 840440
Doctors/GPs in Nantymoel: Nantymoel Surgery Ogwy Street Nantymoel Bridgend Mid Glamorgan CF32 7NA 0844 4770923
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