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Sebastopol is the southernmost suburb of Pontypool, Torfaen in Wales. It is named in honour of the Russian city Sevastopol (also known as Sebastopol) that was taken during the Crimean War. It is a fairly affluent area but does contain a substantial number of local authority/ex-local authority housing known as the Kemys Fawr Estate.
The town itself Today Sebastopol is a large community that is all but merged with nearby Griffithstown. Like nearby New Inn, Sebastopol doesn't have a central village area, but is spread out along its main thoroughfares South Street & Greenhill Road.
The town boasts little infrastructure due to its proximity with Griffithstown. There are just two general shops: a newsagent on South Street and a general store on The Avenue (Kemys Fawr Estate). There is the locally-renowned Page's Fish & Chip Shop as well as a barber shop, printer, a garage door operation and poodle parlour. A large number of second hand cars salesrooms are based on Station Rd. "The Crown", "The Open Hearth", "Sebastopol Social Club" and "The Waterloo" are the local pubs. There are two churches: Penry Gospel Hall and St. Oswald's Anglican Church, but most ecclesiastical needs are met by Griffithstown. Kemys Fawr Infant & Nursery School is located on the Kemys Fawr Estate and provides education for 3 - 7 year olds, but children must then attend Griffithstown Junior School for further schooling. There is also a special needs school: Crownbridge School, catering for pupils in the age range 3 - 19 with severe learning difficulties. There is a park near Kemys Fawr Infant & Nursery School with an adventure playground and football pitch.
Future developments Since 1996 local residents have been fighting long and hard with developers and Torfaen County Borough Council to prevent plans for a new village being built on a large greenbelt zone to the south of the town. To be known as "South Sebastopol", the sprawl of new housing would join the Pontypool district suburbs of northern Torfaen to the Cwmbran district suburbs of southern Torfaen.
Pubs/Bars in Sebastopol: The Crown Inn Greenhill Road Sebastopol Pontypool Gwent NP4 5BQ 01495 764197
The Open Hearth Inn Sebastopol Pontypool Gwent NP4 5DR 01495 763752
The Waterloo Inn Avondale Road Sebastopol Pontypool Gwent NP4 5EL 01495 759588
Schools/Colleges in Sebastopol: Crownbridge Special Day School Greenhill Road Sebastopol Pontypool NP4 5YW 01495 758739
Kemys Fawr Infants School Elm Grove Sebastopol Pontypool NP4 5DD 01495 763175
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