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Trawsfynydd (Welsh: "across [the] mountain") is a village in North Wales, adjacent to the A470 north of Dolgellau.

The village is close to Llyn Trawsfynydd, a large man-made reservoir which was originally built to supply water for Maentwrog hydro-electric power station between 1924 and 1928, and later to supply cooling water to a twin reactor nuclear power plant used for the commercial generation of electricity for the UK national grid. The reactors were of the magnox type. Both reactors are now shut down and the site is in the process of being decommissioned by the British Nuclear Group.

The original flooding of the area, to create the lake, involved the drowning of some two dozen properties, some of historical significance, but there was little objection at the time. The new power station was regarded as a good thing, and indeed on its completion was capable of supplying the whole of North Wales' electricity needs. However, there was certain objection to the loss of rights of way across the former land, necessitating long detours round the new lake. In response to this, a small road was built along its western shore, and a footbridge (still standing) across the narrowest part of the lake.

Four dams were built to create the lake, one of these being subsequently rebuilt after construction of the nuclear power plant. Whereas previously the Maentwrog power station had access to all of the water in the lake, the needs of the nuclear plant dictated that henceforth the former plant should only use the top 5' of water level.

Trawsfynydd was the home of the Welsh bard Hedd Wyn, who died on the battlefields of Flanders during World War I, just before he was to receive the winning prize at the National Eisteddfod. The 'Black Chair' can now be found at his home farm Yr Ysgwrn. He is buried at Flanders.

The parish of Trawsfynydd was also home to Saint John Roberts, one of the Forty Martyrs of England and Wales, canonised in 1970. Descended from Welsh saints and princes, he gained great respect helping the plague sufferers in London, but was found guilty of high treason and hung, drawn and quartered on the 10th December 1610.

Trawsfynydd used to be served by a section of the GWR mainline which ran from Bala to Blaenau Ffestiniog. To the north of the station the army built its own station to serve the large camp nearby (camp detail). Today Trawsfynydd station is a private home. The line closed to all traffic in 1961, but the section between Blaenau and Trawfynydd Power Station reopened in 1964 for freight traffic. It finally closed in 1998, although the track remains in situ.

The village has a high proportion of Welsh speakers (81.7%), and is accordingly is in the top 5 Welsh communities in Gwynedd.

The film First Knight had scenes filmed around Lake Trawsfynydd.

 Pubs/Bars in Trawsfynydd:
 Pengwern Arms Hotel
       Church Square
       Blaenau Ffestiniog
       LL41 4RS

 Rhiw Goch Inn
       Bron Ber
       Blaenau Ffestiniog
       LL41 4UY
 01766 540374

 White Lion
       Blaenau Ffestiniog
       LL41 4UB
 01766 540277

 Hotels in Trawsfynydd:
 Cross Foxes Hotel
       Blaenau Ffestiniog
       LL41 4SE
 01766 540204

 Campsites/Carvans in Trawsfynydd:
 Cae Gwyn Farm & Nature Reserve
       Snowdonia National Park
       Nr. Trawsfynydd
       LL41 4YE
 01766 540245
 01766 540245

 Restaurants in Trawsfynydd:
 Bodwyn Restaurant
       Blaenau Ffestiniog
       LL41 4SF
 01766 540331

 Schools/Colleges in Trawsfynydd:
 Ysgol Bro Hedd Wyn (Primary)
       Blaenau Ffestiniog
       LL41 4SE
 01766 540247

Trawsvynydd (Traws-Fynydd) - From 'A Topographical Dictionary of Wales' (1849)
TRAWSVYNYDD (TRAWS-FYNYDD), a parish, in the poor-law union of Festiniog, hundred of Ardudwy, county of Merioneth, North Wales, 12 miles (N. by W.) from D�lgelley; containing 1545 inhabitants. This parish is surrounded by the parishes of Maentwrog, Llandecwyn, Llanvachreth, and Llanycil; and is of large extent, being estimated to contain 25,000 acres, and to extend ten miles in length by eight in breadth. It is exceedingly mountainous throughout; and is intersected by the turnpike-road from D�lgelley to Tan-y-Bwlch (at which latter is the post-office), the road passing through the village, which is situated on an eminence in an exposed and hilly district. Considerably more than one-half of the parish consists of barren and uncultivated hills, affording only scanty pasturage for sheep and young cattle. The country is strikingly varied, presenting in some parts the dreary wildness of rugged mountain scenery, in others the softer features of rural beauty, combined with objects of romantic grandeur. The lake called Rathlyn is a fine sheet of water, noted for a peculiar species of perch, having the lower extremity of the back-bone strangely distorted: the interesting waterfalls of Pistyll Caen and Pistyll Mawddach, in the parish, are described in the article on D�lgelley. Fairs, which are in general well attended, are held here on April 23rd and September 29th, for horses, cattle, and pedlery; and at Penystryd, in the parish, others take place on August 17th and September 21st.

The living is a discharged rectory, rated in the king's books at �8. 12. 1.; patron, the Bishop of Bangor: the tithes have been commuted for a rentcharge of �280, and there is a glebe of half an acre, valued at 10s. per annum; with a glebe-house. The church, dedicated to St. Madryn, is an ancient structure in the early style of English architecture, in rather a dilapidated state. There are places of worship for Independents, and Calvinistic and Wesleyan Methodists. A day school is held, and the parish has about ten Sunday schools. David Lloyd, in 1686, bequeathed to the poor the sum of �20, the produce of which has been in abeyance since 1819; Robert Roberts, in 1756, gave �12 to be distributed in bread; and Mrs. Jones, near Corwen, and her daughter-in-law, bequeathed �180, with which a house and field in the village of Trawsvynydd were purchased, now yielding a rent of �8. 10. This sum, agreeably with the directions of the donors, is appropriated to the annual distribution of �4, in sums of five shillings each, to sixteen poor women, and the remaining �4. 10. a year to the apprenticing of a boy once in two years.

There are some remains of an ancient fortress called Castell Prysor, the name of which implies its hasty erection; it is of small extent, and occupied a situation in a pass between the hills on the left of the road from Trawsvynydd to Bala. The origin of this fortress, which is built of stone without any cement, is not precisely known; but from the discovery of several urns and coins near the site, it is supposed to have been built or at least occupied by the Romans; and part of a Roman road, now termed "the Sarn Helen," which is still visible at no great distance, in some degree corroborates the opinion. On a farm in the parish, called Ll�ch Idris, is Bedd Porus, or "the grave of Porius," over which is a flat stone with the inscription "Porius. hic in tumulo jacit. homo pianus fuit.," with a more modern addition of the figures "1245," and the letter E. Near this is an upright stone, Ll�ch Idris, from which the farm is named, and concerning which there is a legend stating it to have derived its appellation from Idris a giant; it appears to be simply one of those monumental stones so frequently found in this country. Not far from the Sarn Helen are several tumuli, in one of which were found five urns, and several fragments of bricks that had been placed round them to protect them from injury: there is also a tumulus on Gw-y-Bryn;vynydd farm. Humphrey Lloyd, Bishop of Bangor, was born at B�dyvudda, in the parish, about 1600. Sion and Rhŷs Cain, both eminent bards, were also natives of the parish.


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