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Brynford is a village in Flintshire, Wales. It is located to the south west of the town of Holywell and near the A55 road (North Wales Expressway).
Amenities in Brynford include St. Michael's Church, a local shop, two inns, a park, golf club, private day nursery and local bus company Oares Coaches. The Cynfaen Memorial Methodist Chapel, serving Brynford, is in the nearby village of Calcoed.
The explorer and journalist Henry Morton Stanley was a student teacher in the old village school.
Pubs/Bars in Brynford The Crooked Horn Inn Brynsannan Brynford Holywell CH8 8AX 01352 710761
Llyn-Y-Mawn Inn Brynford Holywell CH8 8AD 01352 714367
Schools/Colleges in Brynford: Brynford C.P. School (Primary) Brynford Holywell Flintshire CH8 8AD 01352 713184
Places of Worship in Brynford: St Michael Brynford Holywell Flintshire
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