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Greenmeadow Community Farm is a popular destination for families with small children. There are a wide range of domestic and farm animals for visitors to see, including cattle, sheep, goats, lambs and so on. In Spring the opportunity to get close to newborn animal is an excellent experience for youngsters. The site is popular with schools and children's groups, and has facilities to provide for such parties.
Demographics At the 2001 Census
Population 4439 (Torfaen 90,949) 48.7% Male, 51.3% Female Ages: 29.1% aged between 0-15 42.4% aged between 16-44 20.4% aged 45-59/64 8.1% of pensionable age
Pubs/Bars in Greenmeadow: Golden Harvest Bowleaze Greenmeadow Cwmbran Torfaen NP44 4LF 01633 866973
Schools/Colleges in Greenmeadow: Greenmeadow Primary School Ty Gwyn Way Greenmeadow Cwmbran NP44 5YY 01633 484320
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