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It is primarily a residential area with many new estates of large houses. It has one primary school which was recently under threat of closure but is now up and running again with the best SATs results in Torfaen. The school's name is Ponthir V.C. J&I school. It is a mixed school of non-denominational religion.
Ponthir has many amenties such as a nursery, 2 churches, a village hall, cricket and football clubs, pubs - The Ponthir House and The Star - village shops, playgroup, 1 playground.
It is surrounded by rolling welsh hills, many farms and the Afon Llwyd (grey river) runs through it.
The Welsh name indicates the correct pronunciation; i.e. saying the 't' and 'i' separately. The name means long (hir) bridge (pont).
Pubs/Bars: Ponthir House Inn Ponthir Newport NP18 1PG 01633 420479
The Star Inn Caerleon Road Ponthir Newport NP18 1GZ 01633 420582
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