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Pumsaint is a village in Carmarthenshire, Wales situated half way between Llanwrda and Lampeter on the A482 in the valley of the River Cothi.

Its name means Five Saints derived from the Welsh Pum(p) meaning Five and Saint meaning Saint. It is also sometimes known as Pumpsaint. The Romans knew it as Cicutio.

Places of interest
The nearby conservation area has several scheduled ancient monuments including the Dolaucothi Gold Mines. Archaeologists have uncovered evidence of previous Roman occupation of the area, including Roman aqueducts, timber buildings and a fort. Other places of interest include the Red Kite Visitor Centre, located in the Old Coach House, where displays on the oak woodlands, the traditional nesting place of the bird, may be viewed. The area is a popular place for caravan, fishing and riding holidays.


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