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Redbrook is a village on the border of Monmouthshire, Wales and Gloucestershire, England, UK.
Location Redbrook is on the River Wye and in the Wye Valley Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty, approximately 5 kilometres south of Monmouth.
History & Amenities Today Redbrook has a population of 372 inhabitants and is a quiet village in the Wye Valley amidst peaceful wooded hills.
Redbrook was historically an important industrial centre with many industrial sites including mills, an ironworks, tinplate works and copper works. The oldest site is the King's Mill, which was a corn mill first recorded in 1434 and remained in use until 1925.
The Redbrook Copper Works used ore brought from Cornwall via Chepstow and worked until 1740 when it closed down and the buildings leased for the manufacturer of tinplate. The tinplate factory, run by the Redbrook Tinplate Company, was world famous for the high quality product it made and did not close until 1962. Redbrook was also a river port where the various products of the local industries were shipped.
Redbrook was the last station before Monmouth on the Wye Valley Railway. The railway was opened in 1876 to connect Monmouth to the South Wales line, closing to passengers in 1959 and freight in 1964. Today a wood-decked footbridge spans the river which once carried the railway.
A little above the river is the 19th century church of St. Saviour.
The Boat Inn is a real ale pub with it's food in the hale & hearty bracket & the Bell which is more of a 'gastro' pub, both are reasonably priced & sell good beers.
Pubs/Bars in Redbrook: The Boat Inn Lone Lane Redbrook Monmouth Gwent NP25 4AJ 01600 712615
The Bell Inn Redbrook Redbrook Monmouth Monmouthshire NP25 4LZ 01600 713612
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