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Welsh Icons - Welsh Language
Welsh - English Mini Dictionary

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 Welsh - English Dictionary

 � chroeso - with pleasure
 a dweud y gwir - to tell the truth
 ab - son of
 abal - able bodied
 abaty - abbey
 aber - estuary
 aberth - sacrifice
 aberthu - sacrifice
 abl - strong, capable
 absennol - absent
 absenoldeb - absence
 ac ati - and so on
 ac eto - and then
 acen - accent
 ach - kinship
 achlysuron - occasions
 achos - because
 achosi - cause
 achub - save
 achub dy gam - stick up for you
 achwyn - complain
 act - act
 actiedig - ordained, decreed
 actio - act
 actor - actor
 actores - actress
 acw - over there
 adain - wing
 adar - birds
 addas - fitting, suitable
 addasu - adapt, adjust
 addawol - promising
 addewid - promise
 addfwyn - gentle
 addfwynder - gentleness
 addo - promise
 addoli - worship
 addoliad - worship
 addurn - decoration, adornment
 addurno - decorate
 addysg - education
 addysgiadol - educational
 addysgol - educational
 addysgu - teach, educate
 adeg - period, time
 adeilad - building
 adeilad uchel - skyscraper
 adeiladol - constructive
 adeiladu - build
 adeiladwr - builder
 aden - wing
 aderyn - bird
 aderyn du - blackbird
 adfail - ruin
 adfeilion - ruins
 adfer - return
 adferf - adverb
 adferiad - recovery
 adfywio - revive
 adio - add
 adlais - echo
 adlam - rebound
 adlewyrchiad - reflection
 adlewyrchu - reflect
 adloniant - entertainment
 adnabod - know, recognize
 adnabu - recognise
 adnod - verse
 adnoddau - resources
 adolygu - revise, review
 adran - section, department
 adrannau - sections
 adre - homewards
 adref - home
 adrodd - relate, recite, recount
 adroddiad - account, report
 adroddwr - narrator, story teller
 adweinyddol - administrative
 adweithio - react
 adwy - gap
 aed - aid
 aeddfed - ripe, mature
 aeddfedu - mature, ripen
 ael - eyebrow
 aeliau - brows
 aelod - member, limb
 aelodaeth - membership
 aelodau - limbs, members
 aelwyd - home, hearth
 aelwydydd - homes, hearths
 aerobeg - aerobics
 aeron - fruits, berries
 aeronen - fruit, berry
 afal - apple
 afalans - avalanche
 afiach - sickly
 afiechyd - illness
 aflonydd - restless
 aflonyddu - disturb
 aflwyddiannus - unsuccessful
 afon - river
 afreal - unreal
 afresymol - unreasonable
 afu - liver
 agendor - gap
 ager - steam
 agor - open
 agored - open, candid
 agoriad - key
 agos - close, near
 agos�u - approach
 agwedd - attitude
 ai - if, whether
 ai peidio - or not
 ail - second
 ail law - second hand
 ailadrodd - repeat
 ail-fragu - brewed for the second time
 ail-gyflogi - re-employ, reuse
 Albanes - Scot, Scotswoman
 Albanwr - Scot
 allan - outside
 allanfa d�n - fire exit
 allanfa - exit
 allanfeydd - exits
 allanol - external
 alltudio - banish
 allwedd - key
 Almaeneg - German language
 Almaenes - German woman
 Almaenwr - German
 aloi - alloy
 am - about, at, for, because
 am byth - for ever
 am ddim - for nothing
 am faint - for how long
 am gyfnod - for a while
 am hir - for long
 am oriau - for hours
 am wn i - as far as I know
 am y tro - for now
 amaethu - cultivate
 amaethwr - farmer
 amaethyddiaeth - agriculture
 amaethyddol - agricultural
 amau - dispute, doubt
 ambell - some, few
 ambellwaith - sometimes
 ambiwlans - ambulance
 amcan - plan, intention, purpose
 amcangyfrif - estimate
 amcanu - intend
 amdaith - circuit
 amddifadu - deprive
 amddiffyn - defend
 americanwr - American
 amgaeedig - enclosed
 amg�u - enclose
 amgueddfa - museum
 amguedffa - museum
 amgyffred - comprehend
 amgylch - around
 amgylchedd - surroundings
 amhendant - indefinite
 amherffaith - imperfect
 amhersonol - impersonal
 amheuaeth - doubt, suspicion
 amheus - doubtful
 amhoblogaidd - unpopular
 amhosibl - impossible
 aml - frequent
 amlen - envelope
 amlhau - increase
 amlinell - contour
 amlinellu - outline
 aml-lawr - multistory
 amlwg - visible, obvious, evident
 amnaid - nod
 amneidio - beckon, signal
 amod - condition, terms, engagement
amrantiad - second
 amrantiadau - seconds
 amrant - eyelid
 amrantiad - wink
 amryw - several
 amrywio - vary
 amrywiol - various
 amser - time
 amserlen - timetable
 amseru - to time
 amynedd - patience
 amyneddgar - patient
 anadl - breath
 anadlu - breathe
 anaeddfed - immature
 anaf - injury
 anafu - injure, lament
 anair - gossip
 anaml - infrequent
 anarferol - unusual
 ancwyn - supper, dinner
 andwyo - spoil
 aneffeithiol - ineffectual
 anelu - try, endeavor, aim
 anelu am - aim for
 anerchiad - talk, speech
 anerchiadau - talks, speeches
 anesboniadwy - inexplicable
 anesmwyth - uncomfortable, rough
 anesmwythyd - restlessness
 anfantais - disadvantage
 anfarwol - immortal
 anferthol - huge
 anffawd - misfortune
 anffodus - unfortunate
 anffyddlon - unfaithful
 anfoddog - discontented
 anfodlon - discontented
 anfoesol - immoral
 anfoesoldeb - immorality
 anfon - send
 anfon at - send to
 anfoneb - invoice
 angau - death
 angel - angel
 angen - need
 anghenrheidiol - necessary
 anghfforddus - uncomfortable
 anghofio - forget
 anghredadwy - unbelievable
 anghwrtais - discourteous
 anghydfod - disagreement
 anghyfarwydd - unfamiliar
 anghyfiawn - unjust
 anghyfiawnder - injustice
 anghyfleus - inconvenient
 anghyfreithlon - illegal
 anghyfrifol - irresponsible
 anghyson - inconsistent
 anghysur - discomfort
 anghywir - wrong
 angladd - funeral
 angof - forgotten, oblivion
 angor - anchor
 anhapus - unhappy
 anharddaf - ugliest
 anhawster - difficulty
 anheintus - immune
 anhrefn - chaos
 anhrefn - chaos, disorder
 anhrefnus - disorganised
 anhwylus - unwell
 anhygoel - incredible
 anifail - animal
 anlwcus - unlucky
 annarllenadwy - illegible
 annaturiol - unnatural
 annealladwy - incomprehensible
 annerch - greet, address
 annhalcus - untidy
 annhebyg - unlikely
 annhebygol - unlikely, improbable
 annheg - unfair
 annheilwng - unworthy
 anniben - untidy
 annibynnol - independent
 anniddan - pleasant
 annioddefol - unbearable
 anniogel - unsafe
 anniolchgar - ungrateful
 annisgwyl - unexpected
 anniwall - insatiable
 annoeth - unwise
 annog - urge, incite, urging
 annwyd - cold
 annwyl - dear
 anobaith - hopelessness
 anobeithio - despair
 anobeithiol - hopeless
 anochel - inevitable
 anodd - difficult
 anogaeth - exhortation
 anonest - dishonest
 anorfod - inevitable
 anrheg - present
 anrhydedd - honour
 ansawdd - quality, condition
 ansicr - doubtful, unsure
 ansoddair - adjective
 anthem - anthem
 antur - attempt, venture
 anufudd - disobedient
 anuniongyrchol - indirect
 anwadal - unstable
 anwar - wild, uncivilised
 anwariaeth - ferocity
 anwastad - uneven
 anwedd - enormous
 anweddus - indecent
 anwes - caress
 anwesu - stroke, fondle, pet
 anwir - false
 anwiredd - lie
 anwybodaeth - ignorance
 anwybyddu - ignore
 anwyldeb - tenderness
 anymarferol - impractical
 anymwybodol - unconscious
 ap - son of
 apelio - appeal
 apwyntiad - appointment
 apwyntio - appoint
 ar - on, at, to
 ar adegau - at times
 ar antur - at random
 ar ben - finished, on top of
 ar bob cyfri - by all means
 ar brydiau - at times
 ar bwys - near
 ar ddihun - awake
 ar draws - across
 ar ei lw - on his oath
 ar fai - to blame
 ar fin - on the point of, on the edge of
 ar gam - unjustly, wrongly
 ar gyfartal - on average
 ar gyfer - for
 ar gyrion - on the borders
 ar gyrion - on the borders, on the outskirts of
 ar hyn o bryd - at the moment
 ar newynu - on the point of starving
 ar �l - remaining, after
 ar un ergyd - with one blow
 ar unrhyw gyfrif - on any account
 ar unwaith - once
 ar wah�n - separate
 ar warthaf - upon
 ar wert - for sale
 ar werth - for sale
 araf - slow, soft
 arafu - slow down
 araith - speech
 arall - other, else
 arbed - spare, save
 arbenigwr - expert
 arbennig - special
 arbrawf - experiment
 arbrofi - experiment
 archeb - order
 archebu - order
 archesgob - archbishop
 archfarchnad - supermarket
 archwaeth at - appetite for
 archwiliad - investigation, audit
 archwilio - examine, inspect
 ardal - district, area, region
 ardaloedd - districts, areas, regions
 arddangos - demonstrate
 ardderchog - excellent
 arddodiad - preposition
 arddwrn - wrist
 aredig - plough
 aren - kidney
 arestio - arrest
 arf - weapon
 arfaeth - purpose
 arfer - custom, to use
 arferion - customs
 arferol - usual
 arfog - armed, be armed
 arfordir - coast
 argae - dam
 arghyoeddiadau - convictions
 arglwydd - lord
 argoeddedig - convinced
 argraff - impression
 argraffiad - edition
 argraffu - print
 argraffwr - printer
 argraffydd - printer
 argyfwng - crisis
 argyhoeddi - convince
 argymell - recommend
 arholiad - exam
 arholwr - examiner
 arhosfan - lay by
 arian - silver, money
 arian mudandod - hush money
 ariannol - financial
 arllwys - pour
 arlunio - painting
 arlwy - menu
 aroglau - smell
 arogleuon - scents, smells
 aroglus - scented
 arolwg - survey
 aros - wait, stop
 aros am - wait for
 artaith - torture
 arteithiol - tortuous
 arth - bear (animal)
 aruthr - tremendous, wonderful
 aruthrol - tremendous, wonderful
 arwain - lead
 arwain - carry, wear
 arwein - lead
 arweinydd - leader
 arwrol - heroic
 arwydd - sign
 arwyddoc�d - significance
 arwyddoc�u - indicate
 arwynebol - superficial
 asen - rib
 asgellwr - winger
 asiant - agent
 asiantaeth - agency
 astell - stand
 at - toward
 atal - stop, prevent
 atchwyl - revolution
 ateb - answer
 ategu - support
 atgof - memory
 atgofus - reminiscent
 atgyfnerthol - reinforcing
 atgyfnerthu - support, reinforce
 athrawes - female teacher
 athrawon - teachers
 athro - teacher
 athrodus - libelous
 athrofa - collwge
 athroniaeth - philosophy
 athrylith - genius
 atodol - supplementary
 atyniadol - attractive
 atynnu - attract
 awdur - author
 awdurdod - authority
 awdurdodau - authorities
 awdurdodi - authorise
 awel fain - keen breeze
 awgrym - suggestion
 awgrymu - suggest
 awr - prayer, hour
 Awst - August
 awydd - desire
 awydd ysol - great desire
 awyddus - eager
 awyr - sky
 awyrgylch - atmosphere

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This dictionary is dedicated to the memory of Emrys Rees of Carmarthen (1918 - 2006).


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