Welsh - English Dictionary
na chynt nac wedyn - neither before nor after 
na hidiwch - never mind 
nabod - know 
nacol - negative 
naif - naive 
nant - brook, stream 
naw - nine 
nawdd - patronage 
nawdeg - ninety 
nawfed - ninth 
nawr - now 
nawr 'te - now then 
neb - no one 
neges - message 
neidr - snake 
neiod - nephews 
neithiwr - last night 
nerf - nerve 
nerth - strength, power 
nes - nearer 
nes i - until 
nesaf - next 
nesaf peth - next to nothing 
nes�u - approach 
nesu - approach 
nesu at - approach 
neu - or 
neuadd - hall 
newid - change 
newidiad - change 
newydd - new 
newyddiadurwr - journalist 
newyddion - news 
newyn - hunger 
ni - us, we 
nid yn unig - not only 
nidr - hindrance 
nifer - number 
niferus - numerous 
nith - niece 
nithoedd - nieces 
niwed - harm, injury 
niweidio - harm, damage 
niweidiol - harmful 
niwl - fog 
niwliog - hazy, misty, foggy 
niwlog - foggy 
nodau - objectives, notes 
noddi - protect, shelter 
nodi - mark, note 
nodiad - note 
nodweddu - characterise 
nodyn - note 
nofel - novel 
nofio - swim 
nofiwr - swimmer 
n�l - fetch 
nos - night 
nosi - become night 
noson - (in regard to social activity) evening 
noswaith - evening (time of day) 
nosweithiau - (in regard to social activities) evenings, nights 
nwy - gas 
nyddu - spin, twist 
nyrs - nurse 
nyth - nest  Have we got this right? Have we missed anything out? Please use the Form below to let us know. This dictionary is dedicated to the memory of Emrys Rees of Carmarthen (1918 - 2006).