Welsh - English Dictionary
s^wn - noise
sabon - soap
sadio - steady
saen - carpenter
saer - builder, carpenter
Saesneg - English
saeth - arrow
saethu - fire, shoot
safbwynt - standpoint
safle - status, place, rank
safle ar y we - website
safle bysiau - bus stop
safn - jaw, mouth
safodd - stood
safodd yn stond - he stopped dead
safon - standard
saib - pause
sail - basis
saim - grease
sain - sound
Sais - Englishman
saith - seven
saithdeg - seventy
s�l - ill
samwn - salmon
sangu - tread
santes - female saint
sathru - trample
sawl - how many
sbardun - accelerator
sbectol - glasses
sbeit - spite
sboncen - squash
sebon - soap
sedd gadw - reserved seat
sef - that is, namely
sefydlog - fixed, stable
sefydlu - establish
sefyll - stand
sefyll wrth - stand by
sefyllfa - situation
segur - idle
seicoleg - psychology
seicolegol - psychological
seilio - base, found, ground
seithfed - seventh
seler - cellar
selio - seal
selsig - sausage
sen - snub
senedd - parlaiment
seneddol - parliamentary
serch hynny - despite that, nevertheless
seren - star; asterisk
sgriw - screw
sgwn i - I wonder
sgwrs - chat, conversation
siafio - shave
sianel - channel
si�r - share
siarad - speak, talk
siarad ag - speak to
siarad am - speak about
siaradus - talkative
siarc - shark
siart - chart
sibrwd - whisper
sibrydent - whisper
sichrau - make sure
sicr - sure
sicrhau - ensure
sicrwydd - certainty
sidanaidd - silky
siec - cheque
silff - shelf
sillafu - spell
simach - monkey, ape
sinema - cinema
sinsir - ginger
Si�n Corn - Father Christmas, Santa Claus
sionc - nimble
sioncrwydd - nimbleness
siop - shop
siop lyfrau - bookshop
siopa - to shop
sir - county
siroedd - counties
siryf - sherrif
siw^r - sure
siwgr - sugar
siwr - sure
siwr o fod - certainly
sleisen - slice
slont - slant
slwt - slut
smic - sound
smotyn - spot
sobraf - most sober
sobri - be sober
sofliar - quail
solet - solid
s�n - talk, rumour
s�n am - mention
sopyn - bundle
soriant - indignation
sorri - sulk
soser lloeren - satellite dish
sothach - rubbish, nonsense
staen - stain, smudge
stafell - room
stafell fwyta - dining room
stafell wely - bedroom
stamp - stamp
stanc - stake
stesion - station
stompio - botch
stompiwr - bungler
stond - petrified
stondin - stand, stall
storc - stork
stordy - storehouse
stori faswedd - blue joke
storle - stowage
straen - strain
strelio - rinse
stryd - street
stumog - stomach
styfnig - stubborn
styrbans - disturbance
suo - buzz, hum
sur - sour, acid
surni - sourness
suro - turn sour
sut - how
sw^n - sound
swdd - juice
swil - shy, bashful
swilder - shyness, bashfulness
swllt - shilling
swmbwl - goad
swnio - sound
swnt - strait
swper - supper
swrth - sullen, drowsy
swydd - post, county
swyddfa - office
swyddfa bost - post office
swyddog - official
swyddogol - official
swyn - charm
swynol - charming
swynwr - wizard
sych - dry
sychder - dryness, drought
sychdir - dry land
syched - thirst
sychu - dry
syfrdan - dazed
syfrdanu - stun, daze
sylfaen - base, foundation
syllu - stare
sylw - notice, attention
sylweddoli - realise
sylwi ar - notice
symbylu - motivate
syml - simple
symud - move
syndod - surprise
synfyfyrio - meditate
synhwyro - sense
synhwyrol - sensible
syniad - idea
synnu - surprise, be surprised
synnu at - be surprised at
sypyn - bundle
sypyn gwellt - heap of straw
syrffredu ar - fed up with
syrn�m - surname
syrthio - fall
syth - straight
syth ymlaen - staight on Have we got this right? Have we missed anything out? Please use the Form below to let us know. This dictionary is dedicated to the memory of Emrys Rees of Carmarthen (1918 - 2006).