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Welsh Icons - Welsh Language
Welsh - English Mini Dictionary

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 Welsh - English Dictionary

 da - good, well, cattle, money, goodness
 da boch chi - goodbye
 da chi - for goodness sake
 da i ddim - useless
 dacw - there is
 dadansoddiad - analysis
 dadbacio - unpack
 dadl - argument, debate, doubt
 dadlau - argue, debate, meeting
 dadlau ag - argue with
 dadlau am - argue about
 dadlau dros - plead for
 dadmer - thaw
 dafad - sheep
 dagrau - tears
 dal - hold, catch, bear
 dalen - leaf
 dalfa - jail, gaol
 damwain - accident
 dan - under
 dan ofal - under care
 dan ubain - howling
 danfon - send
 dangos - show
 dant - tooth
 dantio - daunt
 darbwyllo - convince, persuade, coax
 darfodedigaeth - consumption
 darganfod - discover
 dario - drat it
 dario unwaith - dash it all
 darllediad - broadcast
 darlledu - broadcast
 darlledwr - broadcaster
 darlledwyr - broadcasters
 darllen - read
 darllenadwy - legible
 darlun - picture
 darn - piece
 darnio - cut up
 darogan - foretell
 darostwng - subdue
 darpar - intended
 darpariaeth - preparation
 darparu - prepare
 datblygiad - development
 datblygu - develop
 datgan - declare
 datganiad - declaration
 datgudd - revelation
 dathlu - celebrate
 datod - undo
 datrys - solve
 dau - two
 dau ar bymtheg - seventeen
 dau ar hugain - twenty two
 dau ddeg - twenty
 dau gant - two hundred
 dauddeg - twenty
 daw - son-in-law
 dawn - gift, talent
 dawns - dance
 dawnsio - (to) dance
 dawnus - gifted
 ddannodd - toothache
 ddiflas - miserable
 ddifyrrwch - distraction
 de - south
 deall - understand
 dealltwriaeth - understanding
 dechrau - begin, beginning, start
 deddf - law
 deddfwriaeth - legislation
 deddfwriaethol - legislative
 deffro - wake up
 defnydd - material, uses
 defnyddio - use
 defnyddiwr - user
 defnyddwyr - users
 deg - ten
 deg a deugain - fifty
 deg ar hugain - thirty
 degad - decade
 degfed - tenth
 deheubarth - south, southern region
 deheubarthau - souths, southern regions
 deheuol - southern
 dehongli - interpret
 dehongliad - interpretation
 deigryn - tear
 deilchion - shattered
 deilen - leaf
 delfryd - ideal
 delfrydol - ideal
 delio - deal
 delio � - deal with
 delwedd - image
 deniadol - attractive
 denu - attract
 derbyn - receive
 derbynnydd - receiver
 derw - oak
 derwen - oak tree
 deuddeg - twelve
 deuddeg ar hugain - thirty two
 deugain - forty
 deugeinfed - fortieth
 deunaw - eighteen
 deunydd - material, matter
 deuocsid - dioxide
 deuol - dual
 deuoliaeth - dualism
 deusain - diphthong
 dewin - wizard, magician
 dewindabaeth - magic
 dewiniaeth - magic, witchcraft
 dewiniaidd - magical
 dewis - choice, choose, select
 dewisedig - chosen
 dewisiad - choice
 dewisol - chosen
 dewr - brave, bold
 dewrder - courage, bravery
 dewrion - heroes
 di-ffrwt - feeble
 di-foes - rude, churlish
 diacen - unaccented
 diachos - needless
 diacon - deacon
 dial - vengeance
 dianc - escape
 diarth - strange
 diau - doubtless
 diawl - hell!
 dibaid - ceaseless
 diben - object, purpose
 dibyn - precipice
 dibynnol - dependent
 dibynnu aar - depend on
 dichellgar - sly
 dicter - rage
 diddim - empty
 diddordeb - interest
 diddorol - interesting
 diddymu - infringe
 didrafferth - without problems
 didrugaredd - without mercy
 didwyll - sincere
 diferion - drops
 diferyn - drop
 diffoddwr t�n - fireman
 diffyg - defect, lack
 diffyg treuliad - indigestion
 diflannu - disappear
 diflanrwydd - evanescence
 diflas - tiresome
 diflastod - disgust, misery
 diflin - untiring
 difodi - exterminate, wipe out
 difraw - indifferent
 difreinio - deprive
 difrifol - serious
 difrifwch - seriousness
 difrod - damage
 difrodiau - damages
 difwyno - ruin
 dig - angry
 digio - get angry
 digon - enough
 digonol - sufficient
 digwydd - happen
 digyflogi - dismiss
 digymell - spontaneous
 dihafal - unequalled
 dilaith - death
 dilead - abolition
 diledryw - pure, genuine
 dillad - clothes
 dilledydd - tailor
 dilyn - silence, follow
 dilys - sure
 dim - nothing, anything
 dim byd - nothing
 dim eto - not yet
 dim gwahaniaeth - no matter
 dim gwerth - not much
 dim ond - only
 dinas - city
 dinasoedd - cities
 dinesydd - citizen
 dinistriwr - destroyer
 dinistro - destroy
 diod - drink
 dioddefaint - suffering
 dioddefgar - patient
 diog - lazy
 diogel - safe
 diogi - laziness, be lazy
 diolch - thanks
 diolch bych - thank goodness
 diolch yn fawr - thanks greatly, thanks very much
 dirmyg - scorn, contempt
 dirwestwr - teetotaller
 dirwyn - wind, twist
 dirybudd - without warning
 dirywiad - deterioration
 disglair - bright
 disgwyl - expect
 disgyblaeth - discipline
 disgyblion - pupils
 disgyn - descend
 disgyniad - descent
 disgynnydd - descendant
 disgyr - shout, cry
 disgyrchiant - gravitation
 dist - beam
 distaw - silent
 distawrwydd - peace and quiet, silence
 diwallu - satisfy, supply
 diwedd - end
 Diwedd mawr - good grief
 diweddar - late, modern
 diweddara - latest
 diwetha - last
 diwethaf - last
 diwrnod - day
 diwyg - dress, condition
 diwylliannol - cultural
 diwylliant - culture
 diystyru - disregard
 dod - come
 dod n�l - come back
 dod o hyd i - find
 dod yn - become
 dodi - put, give, place
 dodrefn - furniture
 dodrefnu - furnish
 dodrefnwr - furnisher
 dodwy - lay eggs
 does dim golwg o - there is no sight of
 doeth - wise
 doethineb - wisdom
 dof - tame, domesticated
 dofednod - fowls, poultry
 dogfen - document
 dogn - share, portion
 dogni - ration
 d�l - meadow
 dolef - cry
 dolefain - cry out
 dolefus - wailing
 dolen - loop
 dolennog - ringed
 dolennu - loop, wind
doler - dollar
 dolur - sore, grief, sorrow
 dolurio - hurt
 dolurus - sore
 donio - endow, gift
 dosbarth - class, rule, district
 dosbarthiad - distribution
 dosbarthu - classify
 dosran - division
 dracht - draught
 draen - prickle, thorn
 draenog - hedgehog
 draenogiad - perch
 draig - dragon
 dramaydd - dramatist
 draw - yonder
 draws - cross
 dreftadaeth - inheritance
 dreigiau - dragons
 dreiniog - thorny
 dreng - morose, sullen
 drewi - stink
 drewllyd - stinking
 dringad - climb
 dringfa - climb, ascent
 dringo - climb
 dringwr - climber
 dro - turn, while, walk
 dro ar �l tro - time after time
 droeon - several times
 dr�r - drawer
 dros - across, over
 drossodd - over
 drud - dear, precious
 drudaniaeth - dearth
 drudwy - starling
 drwg - bad, evil
 drwgdybiaeth - suspicion
 drwgdybio - suspect
 drwgdybus - suspicious
 drws - door
 drwy - through
 drwy gydol - throughout
 drych - mirror
 drychiolaeth - apparition
 dryllio - shatter
 dryslyd - confused
 drysu - confuse
 dryswch - confusion
 du - black
 duedd - blackness
 dull - mode, form, scheme
 dur - steel
 Duw - God
 Duw faddeuo iti - may God forgive you
 duwiol - devout
 dw^r - water
 dw^rtent - water
 dweud - say
 dweud am - speak of
 dweud wrth - tell
 dwfn - deep
 dwl - silly
 dwli - nonsense
 dwrdio - scold
 dwrn - fist
 dwy - two
 dwyieithog - bilingual
 dwyieithrwydd - bilingualism
 dwylaw - hand
 dwylo - hands
 dwym - hot
 dwyn - take
 dwyn at - take, bring
 dwyn clod - bring credit
 dwyrain - east
 dwyreiniol - eastern
 dydd Sadwrn - Saturday
 dyddfu - faint, become tired
 dyddiad - date
 dyddio - judge, dawn
 dyfais - invention, imagination
 dyfalu - guess, imagine
 dyffryn - valley
 dyfnder - depth
 dyfod ag - bring
 dyfodol - coming, future
 dyfrhad - irrigation
 dyfrhau - irigate
 dyfrio - water
 dyfroedd - waters
 dyfyn - summons
 dyfyniad - quotation
 dygymod - put up with
 dyheu am - yearn for
 dylanwad - influence
 dylanwadol - influential
 dyled - debt, obligation
 dyledus - obliged to
 dyletswydd - duty
 dyma - here is, here are
 dymuna - wish, desire
 dymuniad - desire
 dymuno - wish for, wish
 dyn - man
 dyn dieithr - stranger
 dyna - there is, there are
 dynes - woman
 dynesau - women
 dynol - human
 dynoldeb - humanity
 dynoliaeth - humanity, mankind
 dynwared - imitate
 dyrnau - fists
 dyrnodiau - blows
 dyrnu - thresh, thump
 dysgu - teach, learn
 dysgwyr - learner

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This dictionary is dedicated to the memory of Emrys Rees of Carmarthen (1918 - 2006).


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