Welsh - English Dictionary
wal - wall 
wastad - always 
wats - watch 
wedi - after, past 
wedi blino - tired 
wedi bodloni - satisfied 
wedi hynny - after that 
wedi torri lawr - broken down 
wedyn - then, afterwards 
weithiau - sometimes 
weldio - weld 
well i - had better 
wfftio - flout 
wir - really 
wir dduwc - for goodness sake 
witsio - bewitched 
wrth - by, while, as 
wrth ei fodd - happy 
wrth gwrs - of course 
wrth ochor - beside 
wrth reswm - of course 
wrth ymyl - beside 
wy - egg 
wyau - eggs 
wyddoch chi - you know 
wyddost ti - you know 
wyneb - face, surface 
wyneb i waered - upside down 
wyth - eight 
wythdeg - eighty 
wythfed - eighth 
wythnos - week 
wythnosau - weeks  Have we got this right? Have we missed anything out? Please use the Form below to let us know. This dictionary is dedicated to the memory of Emrys Rees of Carmarthen (1918 - 2006).