Welsh - English Dictionary
pa - which 
pa mor - how 
pa un - whether 
pab - pope 
pabell - tent 
pabwyr - rushes 
pabydd - Roman Catholic 
pac - pack 
pacio - pack 
paffio - box 
palas - palace 
palfais - shoulder 
palfod - slap 
palmwydd - palm trees 
palu - dig, delve 
pam - why? 
pan - when? 
pannas - parsnips 
pant - hollow, valley 
papur - paper 
para - last 
paratoi - prepare 
parc - park, field 
parch - respect, Vicar or minister 
parchus - respectful 
parhaol - continuous 
parhaol - continuous, perpetual 
parlyrau - parlours 
parlys - paralysis 
parod - ready 
partner - partner 
partneriaeth - partnership 
pasio - pass 
patrwm - pattern 
patrymau - patterns 
pawb - everybody 
pebyll - tents 
pechod - sin 
pechu - sin 
pedair - four 
pedawr ar bymtheg - nineteen 
pedwar - four 
pedwar ar ddeg - fourteen 
pedwar ugain - eighty 
pedwardeg - forty 
pedwerydd - fourth 
peidio - stop, cease 
peidio ag - refrain from 
peint - pint 
peiriant - machine 
peiriant golchi - washing machine 
peldyr X - X-ray 
peldyrau X - X-rays 
pell - far 
pen - head 
pen - head, mouth, top 
pen blwydd - birthday 
penbaladr - completely 
penbleth - perplexity 
pencampwr - champion 
penci - dogfish 
pendant - definite 
pendant derfynol - definite 
pendantrwydd - decisiveness 
pendefigaeth - aristocracy 
penderfynol - determined, resolved 
penderfynu - depend 
pendwmpian - doze 
penelin - elbow 
penfras - cod 
pengwin - penguin 
penhwyad - pike 
penlin - knee 
penllywydd - sovereign 
pennaeth - chief 
pennaf - pricipal 
pennod - chapter 
pennog - herring 
pennor - muzzle 
penodi - appoint 
penodol - particular 
pensach - mumps 
pensaer - architect 
pensynnu - day dream 
pentre - village 
penuchel - haughty 
penwan - crazy 
perchen - owner 
perchennog - owner 
perchenogi - own 
perdysen - shrimp 
peri i - cause 
periant slot - slot machine 
peroriaeth - melody 
persli - parsley 
perswadio - persuade 
perthnasol - relevant 
perthyn - belong 
perthynas - relationship 
peth - thing 
petruso - hesitate 
petryal - square 
peunyddiol - daily 
picell - lance, spear 
picfforch - pitchfork 
picnic - picnic 
pigog - touchy 
pili-pala - butterfly 
pili-palaod - butterfly 
pili-palas - butterfly 
pilipala - butterfly 
pinaclau - pinnacles 
pinc - pink 
pisin - piece 
plaid - political party 
planhigion - plants 
planhigyn - plant 
plant - children 
plant siawns - illegitimate children 
plastr - plaster 
plasty - mansion 
pl�t - plate 
platfform - platform 
pleidio - support 
pleidiwr - supporter 
pleidlais - vote 
pleidleisio - vote 
plentyn - child 
pleser - pleasure 
plethu - plait 
plu eira - snowflakes 
plu gweunydd - cotton grass 
plwm - lead 
plygu - bend 
pnawn - afternoon 
pob - every 
pob tamed - every bit 
pobl - people 
poblogaeth - population 
poblogaidd - popular 
poblogeiddio - popularise 
pobol - people 
pobty - oven 
pobun - everyone 
poced - pocket 
poen - pain 
poeni - worry, pain 
poenus - painful 
poeri - spit 
poeth - hot 
poethi - heat, be heated 
pont - bridge 
pontydd - bridges 
popeth - everything 
popty - oven 
porfa - pasture 
pori - graze 
poriant - pasture 
porth - ferry, port 
porthfa - port, harbour 
porthi - feed 
porthmon - cattle dealer 
porthor - porter 
portreadu - portray 
pos - riddle 
posib - possible 
posibl - possible 
postio - post 
potasiwm - potassium 
potel - bottle 
potensial - potential 
powdr - powder 
powlio - roll 
praff - thick, stout 
praidd - flock 
pranc - prank, frolic 
pratio - pat, stroke 
pregeth - sermon 
pregethu - preach 
preiddin - booty 
preiddiwr - herdsman 
preifat - private 
prelad - prelate 
preladiaeth - prelacy 
pren - timber, wood 
pren haenog - plywood 
prenio - bolt 
prennaidd - woody 
prentis - apprentice 
prentisiaeth - apprenticeship 
prentisio - apprentice 
prepian - babble 
pres - brass, bronze, copper, money 
preseb - crib 
presennol - present 
presenoldeb - presence 
presenoli - be present 
present - present 
preswyl - residential, abode 
preswylio - dwell 
preswylydd - dweller, inhabitant 
pric - stick 
priciswn - laughing stock 
prid - dear, price 
pridd - mould, earth 
priddell - clod 
priddfaen - brick 
priddlech - tile 
priddlyd - earthy 
priddo - earth 
priddyn - earth 
pridwerth - ransom 
prif - main, chief 
prifathro - headmaster 
prifddinas - capital 
prifiant - growth 
prifio - grow 
prifysgol - university 
prifysgolion - universities 
prin - scarcely, hardly 
priod - married 
priod le - proper place 
priodas - wedding 
priodi - marry 
priodol - appropriate 
priodoli - attribute 
pris - price 
problem - problem 
problemau - problems 
proffeswr - professor 
proffid - profit 
proffidio - profit 
proffidiol - profitable 
profiad - experience 
profion - proofs 
proses - process 
prudd - sad, despondent 
pryd - time, when, aspect, form, meal 
Prydeinig - British 
pryder - anxiety 
pryderu - be anxious 
pryderus - anxious 
prydferth - beautiful 
prydferthwch - beauty 
prydlon - punctual 
prydnawn - afternoon 
prydnawnau - afternoons 
prydyddu - compose poetry 
pryf - worm, vermin, insect 
pryf�c - provoking 
pryfocio - provoke 
prynhawn - afternoon 
prynhawnau - afternoons 
pryniad - purchase 
prynu - buy 
prynwr - buyer 
prysur - busy 
prysuro - hasten 
pumdeg - fifty 
pumed - fifth 
pump - five 
punt - pound 
pupur - pepper 
pur - very, pure, sincere 
pur broffidiol - quite profitable 
purdan - purgatory 
puredd - purity 
puro - cleanse 
putain - prostitute, hooker, slut, whore 
pwdu - pout 
pwl - bout 
pwl o - bout of 
pwll - pit, pool 
pwll glo - coal mine 
pwll nofio - swimming pool 
pwlofer - pullover 
pwnad - nudge 
pwnc - subject 
pwnio - punch, nudge 
pwrpasol - suitable 
pwrs - purse 
pwtffalu - fumble 
pwy - who 
pwyll - equanimity 
pwylla - watch out 
pwyllgor - committee 
pwyllog - prudent, wary 
pwynt - point, matter 
pwys - importance, weight 
pwysedd - weight, pressure 
pwysig - important 
pwysigrwydd - importance 
pwyso - weigh 
pydru - rot 
pyliau - bouts, attacks 
pylu - blunt 
pymtheg - fifteen 
pyncio - sing 
pys - peas 
pysgod - fish 
pysgota - fish 
pythefnos - fortnight  Have we got this right? Have we missed anything out? Please use the Form below to let us know. This dictionary is dedicated to the memory of Emrys Rees of Carmarthen (1918 - 2006).