English - Welsh Dictionary
table - bwrdd table tennis - tenis bwrdd tactical - tactegol tail - cynffon tailor - dilledydd, teilwra, teiliwr take - cymryd, dwyn at, dwyn, mynd ag take advantage - manteisio take advantage of - cymryd mantais ar, manteisio ar take off - tynnu take pictures - tynnu lluniau tale - chwedl talent - dawn talk - siarad, anerchiad, s�n talkative - siaradus tall - tal tame - dof tannery - tanerdy tape - teip tape recorder - recordydd t�p tarry - tario taste - blas, chwaeth tattle - clebar tax - tasg, tasgu, treth taxi - tacsi tea - te teach - addysgu, dysgu teacher - athro teachers - athrawon team - tim teapot - tebot tear - deigryn, rhwygo tears - dagrau technique - techneg tedious - maith teetotaller - dirwestwr telephone - ff�n television - teledu tell - dweud wrth temper - tymer temple - teml tempt - temtio ten - deg tenacious - gwydn tenant - tenant tend - tendio, tueddu tendency - elfen tender - tyneraf tenderness - anwyldeb tennis - tenis tension - tyndra tent - pabell tenth - degfed tents - pebyll term - teler, tymor terms - amod, telerau terrible - ofnadwy terrible pity - hen biti territory - tiriogaeth testify - tystio testimonials - tystebau text - testun thank - diolch thank goodness - diolch bych thank greatly - diolch yn fawr thanks - diolch that - hynny, taw that is - hynny yw, sef thatched roof - to gwellt thaw - dadmer the inevitable - yn ancohel the left - y chwith the one .... the other - y naill .... y llall the other one - y llall the other ones - y lleill the public - y cyhoedd the rascal - y cenau theatre - theatr their - eu then - wedyn then again - eto i gyd there - yna there are - dyna, oes there is - dyna, oes, dacw there is no sight of - does dim golwg o thermometer - gwresfesurydd these - y rhain these days - erbyn hyn thick - bras, praff thimble - gwniadur thin - tenau thing - peth think - credu, meddwl, credu, tebygu think about - meddwl am third - trydydd thirst - syched thirteen - tri ar ddeg, tair o ddeg thirty - trideg thirty - deg ar hugain thirty one - un ar ddeg ar hugain thirty two - deuddeg ar hugain this - hwn this year - eleni thorn - draen thorny - dreiniog thoroughly - yn drylwyr those - y rheiny thoughtful - meddylgar thousand - mil thousandth - milfed thread - edau threadbare - hendraul threat - bygythiad threaten - bygwth threateningly - yn fygythiol three - tri three hundred - tri chant thresh - dyrnu threshold - trothwy threshold level - y lefel drothwy thrilling - trydanol throb - curiad throne - gorsedd through - trwy, drwy throughout - drwy gydol, trwy gydol throw - ergydio, bwrw throw away - tafly thrust - gwthio, hergwd, gwaniad thumb - bawd thump - dyrnu thunder - taranu thunderbolt - mellten, taranfollt thundering - yn taranu ticket - tocyn tickle - gogleisio tidy - taclus tidy up - tacluso tie - tei, rhwymo tiger - teigr tile - priddlech till when - tan pryd timber - pren time - oed, pryd, adeg, amser time after time - dro ar �l tro timetable - amserlen timid - llwyfr tin - tun tired - lluddedig, wedi blino, blinedig, blin tiresome - diflas title - teitl to - ar to a great extent - i fesur helaeth iawn to attempt it - rhoi cynnig arni to be able to - gallu to blame - ar fai to shop - siopa to tell the truth - a dweud y gwir to time - amseru to use - arfer tobacco - baco, tybaco today - heddiw together - gyda'i gilydd toilet - tŷ bach, toiled tom-cat - gwrcath tomorrow - yfory tomorrow morning - bore fory tongue - tafod tonight - heno too - rhy too many - gormod o tools - offer tooth - dant toothache - ddannodd toothless - mantach top - pen, copa torch - ffagl torrent - cenlli tortuous - arteithiol torture - artaith tot - joch total - cyfan, cwbl touch - cyffwrdd ag, teimlo, twtsh touchy - yn bigog, pigog tough - gwydn toward - at towards - tua tower - tŵr town - tre town centre - cano y dre toy - tegan tradition - traddodiad traffic - traffig, trafnidiaeth trail - trywydd train - tr�n traitor - bradwr traits - teithi trample - mathru, sathru trampling - mathrfa transfer - trosglwyddo translate - cyfieithu, trosi translator - cyfieithydd translators - cyfieithwyr travel - teithio traveller - teithiwr travelling - teithiol tray - hambwrdd tread - sangu treasure - trysori treasurer - trysorydd treat - trin treaty - cytundeb trees - coed trembling - cryndod, crynedig tremendous - aruthrol, aruthr tribe - llwyth tributary - rhagafon trick - tric trickle - treiglio trifles - ceriach trip - tripio, baglu, bachu, baglan trolley - troli troop - mintai trouble - cynhyrfu trout - brithyll trust - goglyd, ymddiried try - cynnig, anelu, cais, trio, ceisio tuft - cob tune - cywair tunnel - twnnel turn - dro, tro, troi, trosi turn a deaf ear to - troi clust fyddar turn into - troi yn turn on - troi ymlaen turn sour - suro turn to - troi at turning point - trobwynt turnip - meipen, maip turns - trofeydd twelve - deuddeg, undeg dau twenty - dauddeg, ugain, dau ddeg twenty one - un ar hugain twenty two - dau ar hugain twice - dwywaith twigs - brigau twilight - gwyll twist - dirwyn, nyddu two - dau, dwy two hundred - dau gant type - rhywogaeth typewriter - teipiedydd typist - teipydd tyre - teiar Have we got this right? Have we missed anything out? Please use the Form below to let us know. This dictionary is dedicated to the memory of Emrys Rees of Carmarthen (1918 - 2006). |