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Welsh Icons - Welsh Language
Welsh - English Mini Dictionary

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 Welsh - English Dictionary

 cablair - blasphemy
 cacha - excrement (vulgar)
 cachadur - coward
 cadair - chair
 cadarn - strong, powerful, steady
 cadarnhaol - affirmative
 cadarnhau - strengthen, affirm
 cadernid - steadiness, strength
 cadfridogion - generals
 cadw - keep
 cadw rhag - keep from, save from
 cae - field
 cael - have, get, be allowed
 cael gwared ar - get rid of
 cael oddi wrth - get from
 cael sgwrs � - chat with
 caer - castle, fort, city, wall
 caerua - castles; forts
 caethiwed - captivity
 caethwas - slave
 caethwasannaeth - slavery
 caib - mattock
 cais - try, attempt
 calch - lime
 caled - hard
 calendr - calendar
 call - wise, sensible
 callach - wiser
 calon - heart
 calonogi - encourage
 cam - step, crooked
 camarfer - misuse
 camau - steps
 camddeall - misunderstand
 camera - camera
 camfa - stile
 camgymeriad - mistake
 campus - excellent
 can a deg - one hundred and ten
 canfod - perceive
 canfu - discover
 caniat�d - permission
 caniat�u - allow
 canlyniad - consequence
 canlyniadau - consequences, results
 canlynol - following
 canmol - praise
 cannoedd - hundreds; centuries
 cano y dre - town centre
 canol - centre; middle
 canolau - centres; middles
 canolbarth - central area
 canolbwyntio - centre, concentrate
 canolfan - centre
 canolfan chwaraeon - sports centre
 canolog - central
 canolwr - centre
 canran - percentage
 canrif - century
 canrifoedd - centuries
 cant - hundred
 cantal - rim
 canu - sing, chant
 canu grwndi - purr
 canylniad - result
 car - car
 carchar - prison
 carcharor - prisoner
 caredig - kind
 cariad - love, sweat-heart
 cariadon - loves; sweat-hearts
 cariadus - loving
 carid�ms - riff-raff
 cario - carry
 carn - cairn, hoof, handle
 carp - carp
 carreg - stone
 cartref - home
 cartrefig - native
 caru - love
 carw - deer, stag
 carwr - lover
 cas�u - hate
 casbeth - aversion, nuisance
 caseg - mare
 casgen - barrel
 casgl - collection
 casglu - infer, collect
 casineb - hatred
 castell - castle
 cath - cat
 catholig - catholic
 cau - close, shut
 cawdel - mess
 cawl - soup
 cawod - shower
 cawr - giant
 caws - cheese
 ceffyl - horse
 ceffylau - horses
 cefn - back
 cefn gwlad - countryside
 cefnog - courageous, rich
 cefnogaeth - support, encouragement
 cefnogi - support, encourage
 cefnogol - encouraging
 cefnogwr - supporter
 cefnwr - full back
 ceg - mouth
 cegddu - hake
 cegin - kitchen
 ceiniog - penny
 ceisio - seek, ask, try
 ceisio am - apply for
 celain - carcass
 celfyddyd - art, craft
 celfyddydol - artificial
 cellweirus - playful, jocular
 celwydd - lie
 celyn - holly
 cenedl - nation
 cenedlaethol - national
 cenedlaetholwr - nationalist
 cenedlaetholwyr - nationalists
 cenhedlaeth - generation
 cenhedloedd - nations, genders, races, cultures
 cenhedlu - procreate
 cenhinen Bedr - daffodil
 cenlli - torrent
 cerbyd - carriage, vehicle
 cerdd - poem
 cerdded - walk
 cerddediad - walk, steps
 cerddoriaeth - music
 cerddoriaeth roc - rock music
 cerdyn - card
 cerdyn siec - cheque card
 ceriach - trifles
 cerydd - reprimand
 ceryddu - reprimand
 ceseiliau - armpits
 cestyll - castles
 ceunant - ravine
 cewri - giants
 ceyryddf - castles, forts
 chi - you
 chwaer - sister
 chwaeth - taste
 chwaethus - in good taste
 chwaith - either
 chwalu - shatter, break up
 chwarae - game, sport, play
 chwarae am - play for
 chwarae dros - play for
 chwarae triciau - play tricks
 chwaraeon - games, sports
 chwaraewr - player
 chwarter - quarter
 chwe - six
 chwe deg - sixty
 chwech - six
 chweched - sixth
 chwedeg - sixty
 chwedl - tale
 Chwefor - February
 chwerthin - laugh
 chwerthin am ben - laugh at
 chwerthiniad - laugh
 chwerw - bitter
 chwerwedd - bitterness
 chwibanu - whistle
 chwilio - examine
 chwilio am - search for, look for
 chwiorydd - sisters
 chwith - left
 chwithig - awkward
 chwyddedig - swollen
 chwyldro - revolution
 chwyldroadol - revolutionary
 chwyrnellu - whirl, whizz
 chwyrnu - snore
 chwys - sweat
 ci - dog
 cicio - kick
 cig - meat
 cig eidion - beef
 cig moch - bacon
 cig oen - lamb
 cigfran - raven
 cigydd - butcher
 cilio - recede
 cilio rhag - retreat from, flee
 cimwch - lobster
 cinio - dinner, lunch
 cip - glimpse
 cipio - capture
 cipolwg - glance
 claddu - bury
 claim - hawlio
 Clawdd Offa - Offa's Dyke
 clawr papur - paperback
 clebar - tattle
 clebran - chatter
 clecian - click, rattle
 cleisiau - bruises
 clep - slam
 clir - clear
 cloc - clock
 cloc larwm - alarm clock
 cloch - bell
 cloddio - dig
 clogwyn - cliff
 cloi - look
 clorian - scales
 clust - ear
 clustfeinio - listen attentively
 clustog - pillow
 clwb - club
 clwstwr - cluster
 clwt - patch
 clwyd - gate
 clyd - cosy
 clyfreb - witticism
 clytiog - patched
 clywadwy - audible
 clywed - hear
 clywed am - hear about
 cnau - nuts
 cnawd - flesh
 cnoi - chew
 cnwch - joint, intercourse
 cnwd - crop
 cnwpa - club
 cnyciog - lumpy
 cob - tuft, spider
 coban - cloak
 cobler - cobbler
 coblera - coble
 cobleraidd - clumsy
 coch - red
 cochddu - brownish
 cochi - blush, redden
 cochiad - grouse
 cochlas - purple
 cochli - hide, cloak
 cocian - cackle
 cocos - cockles
 cocyn - bundle
 cod - bag, pouch, pod
 codaid - bagful
 codi - rise, get up, lift, cause
 codi ofn ar - frighten
 codiad - rising, rise
 codl - nonesense
 codlwr - muddler
 codog - baggy, rich
 codwm - fall
 codymu - fall, wrestle
 coed - wood, trees, timber
 coedydd - Woods, timbers
 coelcerth - bonfire
 coes - leg
 coeth - fine, pure, cultured
 cof - memory, remembrance
 coffi - coffee
 cofiadwy - memorable
 cofio - remember
 cofio am - remember about
 cofio at - remember to
 cofnodi - register, record
 cofnodi - record, register
 cofrestr - register
 cofrestrcywair - register
 cofrestru - register
 cofrestrydd - registrar
 coginio - cook
 coleg - college
 colegau - colleges
 coll - loss, failing
 colled - loss
 colli - lose, miss
 colomen - dove
 colomennod - pigeons
 comisiwn - commission
 conach - grumble
 concro - conquer
 condemniad - condemnation
 consensws - consensus
 consi - conscientious objector
 conwyddau - conifers
 copa - summit, top
 copi - copy
 c�pio - cope
 copr - copper
 cor - dwarf; spider
 corachod - dwarves
 corau - choirs, stalls
 corbenfras - haddock
 corddi - churn, agitate
 corff - corpse, body
 corfforaethol - corporation
 corgimwch - prawn
 corlan - fold
 corlannu - fold
 corn - horn, roll, corn, stethoscope
 cornant - stream, brook
 cornel - corner
 cornelu - corner
 cornio - butt
 coron - crown
 coroni - crown, coronation
 coroniad - coronation
 coronog - crowned
 corrach - dwarf
 corrod - dwarves; spiders
 cors - bog, fen
 corstir - marshland
 corun - crown of the head
 corwynt - hurricane
 cosb - fine, penalty, punishment
 cosbedigaeth - punishment
 cosbi - punish
 cosbol - punitive
 costau - costs
 costrelu - bottle
 costus - expensive
 cosyn - cheese
 cot - coat
 cownter - counter
 crac - angry
 crafangu - claw
 craff - observant
 craffu - look carefully
 crafu - snatch
 craig - rock; cliff
 cranc - crab
 cras - rough
 crasu - bake, roast
 crau - hole
 cread - creation
 creadigol - creative
 creadur - creature
 crebachu - shrink
 cred - belief, faith
 credadun - believer
 credo - creed
 credu - think, believe
 credwr - believer
 credyd - credit
 cref - strong
 crefftwr - craftsman
 crefu - plead
 crefu ar - bef
 crefydd - religion
 creigiau - rocks; cliffs
 creision - crisps
 creisionyd - cornflakes
 creithiau glo - coal scars
 creu - create
 creulon - cruel
 cr�wr - creator
 crib m�n - fine comb
 cribo - comb
 crin - withered
 crio - cry
 criw - crew
 croes - cross
 croes achos - counter charge
 croesawu - welcome
 croesffordd - crossroads
 croesi - cross
 croeso - welcome
 crog - cross, crucifix
 croglofft - garret
 crogwr - hangman
 crwca - crooked
 crwm - crooked, bent
 crwn - round
 crwydro - wander
 crwyn - skins
 crybwyll - mention, reference
 crychu - curl up
 crydcymalau - rheumatism
 cryf - strong
 cryfder - strength
 cryfhau - strengthen, strenghen
 cryman - sickle
 crymffast - lout
 cryn - great, numerous, considerable
 cryn amrywiaeth - quite a variety of
 cryn ddeg - almost ten
 cryn tipyn - quite a lot
 cryndod - quivering, trembling
 crynedig - trembling
 crynu - shiver, shake
 crys - shirt
 cuddfa - hiding place
 cuddio - hide, conceal
 cul - narrow, narrow-minded
 culfor - strait
 cun - dear, beloved
 curiad - throb, beat
 curo - beat, slap, hit, knock
 curyll - hawk
 cusan - kiss
 cwn - dogs
 cwbl - all, total
 cwch - boat
 cwestiwn - question
 cwffio - fight
 cwingen - rabbit
 cwlt - cult
 cwm - valley, dale, glen
 cwmni - company
 cwmn�au - companies
 cwmwl - cloud
 cwn - dogs
 cwpan - cup
 cwpwrdd - cupboard
 cwrdd � - meet
 cwricwlwm - curriculum
 cwrt - court
 cwrw - beer
 cwsg - sleep
 cwsmeriaid - customers
 cwympo - fall, drop
 cwyno - complain
 cyn - chisel
 cybydd - miser
 cychwy - set out
 cychwyn - start
 cychwynnol - initial
 cyd - joint, united
 cyd-ddigwyddiad - coincidence
 cyd-destun - context
 cyd-dynnu - get on with
 cydbriodi - intermarry
 cydbwysedd - balance
 cydio - grasp, hold
 cydletywr - fellow lodger
 cydnabod - acknowledge, recognise
 cydnabyddedig - acknowledged
 cydradd - equal
 cydsynio - agree
 cydweithio - co-operate
 cydweithrediad - co-operation
 cydweithredol - co-operative
 cydweithredu - cooperate
 cydwybod - conscience
 cydwybodol - conscientious
 cydymdeimlad - sympathy
 cyfadde - admit
 cyfaddef - confess, admit
 cyfaill - friend
 cyfalaf - capital
 cyfalafol - capitalist
 cyfamod - covenant, engagement
 cyfan - lot, everything, total, all, whole
 cyfandir - continent
 cyfandirol - continental
 cyfansoddiad - constitution
 cyfarch - greet
 cyfarchion - greetings
 cyfarfod - meeting
 cyfarfod � - meet
 cyfarfod ag - meet with
 cyfartal - equal, average
 cyfarwydd - familiar
 cyfarwyddiadau - instructions
 cyfateb - correspond, agree
 cyfated - correspond
 cyfathreb - communication
 cyfathrebu - communicate
 cyfeiliant - accompaniment
 cyfeillfarwch - friendship
 cyfeillgar - friendly
 cyfeillgarwch - friendship
 cyfeillion - friends
 cyfeiriad - direction, address
 cyfeirio - direct, refer
 cyfenw - surname
 cyfer - direction
 cyffelyb - similar
 cyffelybu - compare
 cyffes - confession
 cyffesu - confess
 cyfforddus - comfortable
 cyffredin - common, ordinary
 cyffredinol - common, genral
 cyffro - excitement, agitation
 cyffroi - stir
 cyffrous - exciting
 cyffwrdd ag - touch
 cyfiawnder - justice
 cyfieithu - translate
 cyfieithwyr - translators
 cyfieithydd - translator
 cyflawn - complete, full
 cyflawni - complete, accomplish, achieve, commit
 cyfle - chance, opportunity
 cyfleus - convenient
 cyfleusterau - opportunities
 cyflogi - hire, employ
 cyflwr - condition
 cyflwyniad - introduction, presentation
 cyflwyno - dedicate
 cyflym - fast, quick
 cyfnewid - change, commerce, exchange
 cyfnod - period, age
 cyfoeth - wealth
 cyfoethog - rich
 cyfoethogi - enrich
 cyfradd - rate
 cyfradd llog - rate of interest
 cyfraith - law
 cyfran - share, portion, quota
 cyfraniad - contribution
 cyfrannu - cintribute
 cyfrannu at - contribute to
 cyfreithiwr - lawyer
 cyfres - series
 cyfrif - count, number, opinion, view
 cyfrifadur - computer
 cyfrifiad - reckoning
 cyfrifol - responsible
 cyfrifoldeb - responsibility
 cyfrifon - accounts
 cyfrinach - secret
 cyfrwng - means, medium
 cyfrwys - cunning, sly
 cyfryngau torfol - mass media
 cyfryngu - mediate
 cyfun - comprehensive
 cyfundrefn - system, order
 cyfundrefnu - organise
 cyfweld - interview
 cyfyngedig - limited
 cyhoedd - public
 cyhoeddi - publish, announce
 cyhoeddiad - announcement
 cyhoeddus - public
 cyhoeddusrwydd - publicity
 cyhoeddwyr - publisher
 cyhuddiad - accusation
 cyhuddo - accuse, charge
 cyhyd ag - as long as
 cyhyrau - muscles
 cyhyren - conger eel
 cylchgrawn - magazine
 cylchgronau - magazines
 cylcho - circle
 cyll - hazel
 cyllell - knife
 cyllid - finance
 cyllyll - knives
 cymaint - as large, as many
 cymau - vallays; dales; glens
 cymdeithas - society
 cymdeithasol - social
 cymdeithasu - socialise
 cymdeithion - companions
 cymdogion - neighbours
 cymell - compel, persuade
 cymeradwyaeth - applause
 cymeradwyo - recommend
 cymhariaeth - comparison
 cymharol - comparative, comparatively
 cymharu - compare
 cymhelliant - motivation
 cymhellion - motives
 cymhleth - complex, complicated
 cymhwyster - competence, qualification, suitability
 cymodi - reconcile
 cymoedd - vallays, dales, glens
 cymorth - help
 Cymraeg - Welsh
 Cymreig - pertaining to Wales or the Welsh
 cymrodoriaeth - fellowship
 Cymru - Wales
 cymry - Welsh people
 cymryd - accept, take
 cymryd ar - pretend
 cymryd mantais ar - take advantage of
 cymsygedd - mixture
 cymuned - community
 cymunedau - communities
 cymwynas - favour
 cymwys - suitable, straight
 cymydog - neighbour
 cymysg - mixed
 cyn - before, as
 cyn bo hir - before long
 cyn lleied ag - as little as
 cyndfawr - productive
 cyndio - crop
 cyndiol - productive
 cynfas - canvas
 cynffon - tail
 cyngerdd - concert
 cynghori - advise
 cynghorion - words of advice
 cynghorwr - counsellor
 cyngor - advice
 cynhadledd - conference
 cynhaea - harvest
 cynhaliad - support
 cynhaliaeth - maintenance
 cynhaliol - supporting
 cynhenid - natural, inborn
 cynhwysfawr - comprehensive
 cynhyrchu - produce
 cynhyrfu - excite, trouble, agitate
 cynigiad - proposal
 cynlleied - so little
 cynllun - plot, plan, scheme, design
 cynllunio - design
 cynnal - hold, support, maintain, support
 cynnar - early, soon
 cynnes - warm
 cynnig - offer, attempt, try, propose
 cynnil - subtle
 cynnud - fuel, firewood
 cynnull - collect, assembly
 cynnwrf - commotion, excitement
 cynnwys - content, contain, include
 cynnydd - progress, increase
 cynnyrch - produce, yield
 cynoesol - primeval
 cynoeswr - ancient
 cynorthwyo - help, assist
 cynorthwyol - auxiliary
 cynradd - primary
 cynrychiol - present
 cynrychiolaeth - representation
 cynrychioli - represent
 cynrychioliad - representation
 cynrychiolwyr - delegates, representatives
 cynta - first
 cyntri lump - country bumpkin, yokel
 cynulliad - gathering
 cynyddol - increasing
 cynyddu - increase, grow
 cyrchu - attack, fetch
 cyrff - corpses, bodies
 cyrraedd - arrive, reach
 cyrsiau - courses
 cysglyd - sleepy
 cysgodi - shelter
 cysgu - sleep
 cysgwr - sleeper
 cyson - regular, consistent
 cystal - as good, just as well
 cysur - comfort, consolation
 cyswllt - connection
 cysylltiad - conjunction
 cysylltiad - conjunction, connection, link
 cysylltu - link, associate
 cysylltu - contact, get in touch with
 cythraul - devil
 cythrel - devil
 cythruddo - annoy
 cytundeb - agreement, treaty
 cytuno - agree
 cyw i�r - chicken
 cywair - order, tune
 cywilgor - shy
 cywilydd - shame
 cywir - correct, loyal
 cywiro - correct

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This dictionary is dedicated to the memory of Emrys Rees of Carmarthen (1918 - 2006).


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