Welsh - English Dictionary
mab - son mach - hostage machlud - sunset macrell - mackerel maddau - forgive maddeuant - forgiveness mae arna i angen - I need mae ddrwg gyda fi - I'm sorry mae�n debyg - probably mae�n ymddangos - apparently maen - stone mae'n debyg - it seems maes - field maes o law - eventually, presently maethlon - nourishing magu - nurture maharen - ram mahtu - mint mai - May maidd - whey mail - bowl main - fine, slender mainc - bench maint - size, number maintioli - size maip - turnip maith - long, tedious, dull malais - malice maldod - affectation, pampering maldodi - pamper maleisus - malicious mall - blight malltod - rot, blight mallu - rot malurio - crumble malurion - debris, fragments mam - mum, mother mam-gu - grandmother mamaeth - nurse mamog - ewe man - spot, place m�n - small, fine Manaweg - Manx maneg - glove manion - scraps mansiwn - mansion mant - mouth, lip mantach - toothless mantais - advantage manteisio - take advantage manteisio ar - take advantage of manteisiol - advantageous mantell - mantle mantol - balance mantoli - balance, weigh manylion - specification marchogaeth - ride marw - die masnachwr - dealer, merchant masw - amusing, merry, fickle maswaidd - vain maswedd - levity maswr - outside half mat - mat mater - matter materol - material materoliaeth - materialism math - sort, kind mathemateg - maths, mathematics mathemategol - mathematical mathemategwr - mathematician mathrfa - trampling mathru - trample matog - mattock matras - mattress matsh - match matsien - match mawaid - handful mawl - praise mawlhau - praise mawn - peat mawnog - peat bog mawr - big mawreddog - boastful, noble, majestically mawrfrydig - magnanimous Mawrth - March mecanyd - mechanic medd - mead meddal - soft meddalu - soften meddiannau - possessions meddwl - think meddwl am - think about meddyg - doctor meddylgar - thoughtful Medi - Spetember medr - skill megis - as if it were Mehefin - June meiddio - dare mein - stones meipen - turnip meistroli - master meithrin - foster, nourish m�l - honey melfared - corduroy melin - mill mellten - thunderbolt melltith - curse melltithio - curse melyn - yellow melys - sweet melyslais - with a sweet voice memrwn - parchment mendio - mend mennu ar - affect mentro - dare, venture menyn - butter menyw - woman menywod - women merch - girl, maiden. daughter merched - girls, maidens, daughters Mercher - Wednesday merchetaidd - effeminate merchig - little girl merlyn - pony merthyr - martyr merthyrdod - martyrdom meryw - juniper trees mesen - acorn mesur - measure methu - miss, fail methu ag - fail mewnblyg - introvert mign - marsh migwrn - ankle migyrnaum - ankles mil - thousand, animal milain - angry milfed - thousandth miliwn - million milwr - soldier milwyr - soldiers miniog - sharp minlliw - lipstick mintai - troop, company miri - fun mis - month mis m�l - honeymoon misoedd - months miwsig - music mochyn - pig modd - means modrwy ddyweddio - engagement ring moedro - bewilder moel - bald moes - morality moesau - manners moesol - moral moethau - pampering, luxuries moment - ennyd mor - so m�r - sea mor drwblus - so confused mor gefnog - so well off mor�l - morale morfil - whale, ivory, wave, whale morgath - catfish morgi - shark morlo - seal morwr - sailor morwyn - maid mud - dumb mud-losgi - burning slowly mudandod - silence mudiad - movement mul - mule munud - minute mur - wall mwg - smoke mwg drwg - (slang) marijuana mwmial - mumble mwng - mane mwstwr - racket mwyach - any more mwyafrif - majority mwyalchen - blackbird mwynhau - enjoy myfyriwr - student myglyd - sultry mymryn - a bit of mynd - go mynd adre - go home mynd ag - take mynd heibio i - go past mynd i'r carchar - go to jail mynegi - express myngiau - manes mynnu - insist mynwes - bosom, chest mynychu - frequent mynydd - mountain myrdd - myriad Have we got this right? Have we missed anything out? Please use the Form below to let us know. This dictionary is dedicated to the memory of Emrys Rees of Carmarthen (1918 - 2006). |